8 Years in Limbo OVER: She Manifested a Life-Changing Immigration Breakthrough

Hello Athena! 

I hope you’ve been well! I’m not sure if you remember me, I was the one who emailed you about a month ago about my situation with my SP and how you managed to flip my perspective in a single day. I’m still keeping up with the community, maintaining the state, and just living my best life overall!! I still haven’t *seen* any movement with SP but I’m well aware we’re on the bridge of events considering how well my mental state has been since the spiral as well as the fact that I have been able to revise everything that was unfavorable, to the point I’ve practically forgotten it all together. 

Aside from SP, I wanted to reach out to you about something else really huge that I was just able to manifest and am still in complete awe about. A little backstory: my family is Syrian, in 2016 we moved to the U.S. and filed for asylum. The president that was elected that year had ended up making some decisions that caused our case to be completely overlooked and forgotten about for 8 years. However, after many letters sent to immigration offices over the past 10 months, we have FINALLY received notice that we have been approved for an interview NEXT MONTH that would grant my family green cards. I cannot explain how huge this is, for 8 years my family has been separated and my father couldn’t visit us and we couldn’t leave the country. For 8 years, we were virtually in immigration limbo. So this is truly incredible. 

Now the interview will let us know if immigration decides to grant us green cards or not. I have never once allowed the possibility of a rejection to cross my mind especially because I was too busy focusing on actually getting to the interview. Around the time I found your channel, one of the first things I worked on imagining was myself holding my US passport and now it’s finally happening. This has made me so happy I could genuinely cry. You helped me get to this point in literally a single month, you have no idea how much I appreciate what you have done for me. This is truly the most incredible thing because I have been trying to manifest this for all of 5 years, since learning about manifestation for the very first time. 

Besides this, I have also managed to manifest a few other things here and there. One of which was my new job which I am so incredibly excited about, the pay is not what I’d hoped but I’m working on fixing that. I was also able to help a friend with manifesting his doctoral research paper being published. Him and I are both into the law of assumption and he’s been trying to manifest this for 2 years now and it was another thing that we were able to do in this one month of imagining and maintaining the state. I’m over the moon for him, he truly deserves all his flowers for how hard he worked for this. 

I apologize for the long email but I am just so so happy with all this new progress. During Joseph’s premiere today, I mentioned feeling a little low over the unseen movement with SP and was very nearly doubting my ability but that’s all gone now. I’m so excited for what’s to come next and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. You are such an incredible teacher and I am truly forever grateful. This has been a wonderful month all together thanks to you. I couldn’t be happier. 

Thank you thank you thank you,

You are the best and I hope you have a wonderful day,

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