Against All Odds: Her Journey from NY Crisis to Florida Dream Job

Hi Athena,

It’s funny, when you asked us to share our manifestations prior to being aware of conscious creation, I was brought back to a time from years past.  Actually, the following is two manifestations intertwined…

About 15 years ago, I was living in NY, what was my hometown. After working as an employee for many years, I got adventurous & decided to open my own practice. (I am a healthcare provider.)  Unfortunately, the timing couldn’t have been worse as it was during the 2008 Economic Crisis, which hit me like a lead brick, as it did many others. It wasn’t long after I needed to close shop, as it quickly became a money pit. Looking back, running my own office was not something I ever really wanted, but was a dream my dad had for me which I adopted.  At that point in time I thought, what the heck, why not?  Well, it didn’t work out & I’m not going to lie and say I was disappointed. I didn’t like that the venture cost me a pretty penny, but glad to dissolve myself of this responsibility. Looking back, I probably manifested its failure.  

After closing the office, I contacted several recruiters as what I truly wanted was to move to Florida & pursue my career there. I made multiple trips to various parts of Florida for in person interviews. I finally found a job that I thought would be a perfect fit. I flew down to Miami for the interview and returned back to NY, all in the same day!  The interview couldn’t have gone better.  The VP, who played an integral part in the hiring of staff, was absolutely amazing.  Ironically, her & I shared cultural similarities as both our families are from Spain. I was told they still had a few more interviews to conduct and when completed they would get back to me. Back on my flight to NY, I had this sense of sheer confidence, that this job was mine.  Well, they got back to me about a week or two later saying they decided to go with another candidate and kindly wished me well.  I was disappointed but at the same time I was okay. I knew sooner or later I’d be living & working in Florida like I imagined. Yeah, I had imagined it…

Shortly after, I accepted a position in the NY area.  From the get-go, I wasn’t happy. (Actually, I grew to hate it). But I realized no job is perfect and bills had to be paid.  Meanwhile I continued my search as I knew a change was inevitable.  After a few months they (office management team) asked me to do something that was beyond my scope (I am a primary healthcare provider) and they expected me to sign-off on certain documents only a specialist should.  Well, I wasn’t going to risk my professional license and when I refused, they dismissed me.  They knew they had no legitimate cause for dismissal and with no ill will they wished me well and even extended 2 months’ severance pay. To be honest, I couldn’t have been happier.  Well, I kid you not, it wasn’t even a week after they let me go that I received a phone call from the Florida job asking if I was still interested in the position.  She explained the physician they had hired was a poor fit & not well liked, to say the least.  They sent me the contract & amended it to include all that I requested.  They really wanted me to start asap, but I was in NY! They were understanding and gave me 6 weeks, though wanted me there yesterday!  Honestly, I never thought I could make such a move in that amount of time.  So much had to be done.  I flew to Florida to find a dog friendly apartment, which fortunately was not difficult. Then flew back to NY to pack up my existing apartment in days’ time, find an available mover & then had to ship my SUV as I couldn’t make the 1200-mile drive alone, with a dog.  It was a whirlwind to say the least. Then I finally made my official move; there I was in JFK airport with my emotional support animal (that’s when they were allowed to fly) and thinking, “I did it”, and believe you me, all under 4 weeks’ time! Where there’s a will, there’s a way…

Funny thing, looking back, all the things I needed to do to get this move accomplished, had all been imagined previously. How bizarre, but it all makes sense now…

Oh, and BTW, after I moved to Florida, I found out the NY job that had let me go had to shut down their business…for reasons I can only imagine!

Amazing how things turned out!

Now I’m in Spain, on my mission to manifest my return to Florida. Just gotta do now, what I did then. 

Hope this inspires, or at least entertains others…

Warmest regards…


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