Winning An Award -Beating Influencers with 10x My Following Using Visualisation

Here’s my success story (it’s an essay lol):

“Earlier this year, I won an award as a content creator.

I had been doing comedy / documentary content for a couple of years for fun until I started making some money from it. At the end of last year, I was told by someone from Instagram that I had been nominated for a ‘best up-and-coming’ award.

She told me to submit my application so the judges could decide. I was so excited that I wrote my application talking about my journey with making content and why I do it. I wrote it on my phone in the car while on a road trip—it was so rushed out of excitement, but I did my best (lol).

The award ceremony would be in three months from that point in time. A month later, I learned about the law of assumption, so I tried to put it to the test to see if I could actually win this award. The other 4-5 finalists were released in my category, and when I saw the names and the number of followers (hundreds of thousands on TikTok and Instagram) everyone else had—I was shaking in my boots lol.

Then there was me, who had less than 70,000 combined on both platforms. But I thought, why not just test the law out? (I think the ladder experiment would’ve been less nerve wracking for a first test lol).

So, I did an imaginal act of my name being called out and saw myself holding the award in first person. I think I only visualised a few times until I felt fulfilled and then just affirmed, “I am an award-winning content creator,” here and there whenever I felt like it OR had an opposing thought, (or when someone told me that I probably wouldn’t win against those other big creators lol).

Did I have doubts? Absolutely YES. On the night of the ceremony, being on the same table as the other creators, I was SO NERVOUS and STILL having a few opposing thoughts night even – but I just tried to brush them off.

When they got to my category and listed the nominees, I put some lipgloss on and thought, “Okay, I better reapply my gloss so I can go up and get my award now” even though, at the same time, I thought “this is silly what am I even doing here?!”

And then they called out the winner, and it was MY NAME. I was SHOCKED, but so excited! After this, I manifested getting verified on Instagram (the old school way without paying for it) within 3 HOURS – when previously I had tried and gotten rejected twice, and each time it took a week to hear back. The law is real! :)”

The end! I guess if you can please keep my name private, and I can’t wait to share my SP success story when it happens 🙂

Thank you 🥰

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