Doctors Gave Me 5 Years to Live—How I Manifested a Miracle Recovery

July 2016 age 44, I was diagnosed with a stage 4 breast cancer that had spread, and Drs said my life expectancy was 5 years. Nothing quite prepares you for that, especially as I had a 3 year old daughter, all I could think about was that I wasn’t going to be there for her.

I had a mastectomy and then began 3 months of gruelling Chemotherapy.  When I began Chemo I started to snap out of the shock, and decided to read up as much as I could and do everything I could to beat it and stay alive for my daughter and for me.  Chemotherapy was my number 1 priority, and I want to say it’s of upmost importance important that no one turns down treatment to replace it with anything else, everything else you choose to do will complement and support your journey back to health.

After much reading and discussions with my consultant I complimented the Chemo with acupuncture to help release toxins from my body effects, moved to a diet with lots of antioxidant foods (purple foods, lots of broccoli, and healthier lifestyle food).  My consultant also told me to stay positive because he saw better responses to treatment from those people who stayed positive. Then a friend introduced me to a lady who could help me stay positive through visualisation as well as healing if I wanted that too – this lady used to be a bank manager but then left to help people, so I thought why not may as well try everything.  

She had a scientific mind and could see I was a bit sceptical so I read her book to understand her history, and she recommended me a book called “The Biology of Belief” by Bruce H Lipton, who is a scientist/biologist.  That book gave me the insight as to how the Placebo effect works, and the chemical changes that occur based on your thoughts and visualisation, or manifestation as it’s also called,  and just how powerful that can be. 

I’ve known most of my life that thoughts create feelings and that if you change your thoughts you can change how you feel, like an actor thinks of something sad and your body can produce tears, if you think about a spider crawling fast up your arm if can make you feel a bit eekk for example.  And with placebo it takes it to another level, as we have all heard stories about how people have reacted to a placebo as well as others who didn’t have a placebo – so this is what I wanted to compliment my treatment.  I had to get into that head space and believe a positive end.

Once I had read the book I was ready to fully embrace visualisation/manifestation.

The first thing she did was ask me to lye down and close my eyes, and to think about the space inside my body, and then outside my body, and for me to feel that the space feels the same, this is because we are all one and all connected.  I then had to visualise myself getting better, being healthy, and being there for my daughters 18th, her wedding, and for me growing old happy, content and healthy, visualising different scenarios in the future in a lot of detail.   

I also had to visualise the cancer getting smaller and smaller till it was gone.  We did this weekly for many months.  Then about 3 weeks before my chemo was due to finish I couldn’t seen the cancer in my visualisations anymore, it was really strange.  

After my final chemo  I had a scan, and the Dr’s were amazed that there was no sign of the cancer in my body, and they had to cancel my liver operation that had been planned to take out any cancer that potentially would have still been there – so I believe the combination of everything I did helped me to get to this amazing point.

Dr’s then put me on a targeted drug, that they said would last 1 year max, then the expected my cancer to return. But I continued visualisation regularly of end state, and I’m now 8 years since my diagnosis and I’m still on the first chemo targeted drug that I take every 3 weeks, and I’m still cancer free, so long may that last.

I don’t need to visualise or manifest anymore, because I just know in my heart that I’ll live to old age and I’m going to be ok

Much love Hun, I love that you’re helping so many others, if my story can help people to stay positive and compliment any health treatments with manifestation that would be amazing

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