Success Story: Dream Apartment Against All Odds

Hi Athena! 
Hope you are already better 🙂 

Since you are collecting and sharing success stories, I wanted to share two of mine. 

One is a “minor” manifestation within those you suggested I do (as a list) to keep the focus also on other things than SP and increase the faith in my manifestation powers. Ive actually had success with a lot of these "minor" (=not so much attachment) manifestations on my list (that I keep doing), ranging from receiving unexpected gifts to seeing people who hate yellow suddenly dressed in yellow to quickly recovering from health issues (both myself and people I care about) to winning prizes. But this one particular manifestation was really funny: I included in my list also the ladder experiment, so I did as we are told to do, I imagined as vividly as I could with all senses climbing a ladder for three nights while falling asleep and then during each of the following days I thought now and then (not robotically, just whenever itd come to mind) “I will not climb the ladder” and kept also a post-it saying so on my desk at work. I immediately in the following days started to see or bump into ladders everywhere (I’m not kidding): cars or vans with ladders on top passing by or parked under my windows; at work there was some problem with a surveillance camera and so for two days two ladders were standing in the entrance and people were climbing up and down them to make the necessary repairs; I lost count of the number of times Id enter a shop and either I saw a ladder somewhere or a shop assistant would open / place a ladder right in front of me (once I almost stumbled into one); or Id just walk down the street and so often I would see someone on a ladder (it seemed like everywhere people were suddenly using ladders all the time to do all sorts of things). The funniest was when I was staying at a hotel in Spain and in front of my room there was a weird door which was somehow higher than the floor, so to access it there was a small ladder always standing there. This went on for almost a month, but still I hadn’t climbed a ladder. And here comes the really funny part: I actually do have a ladder at home but I literally never use it (I can reach everything climbing on chairs), so I keep it in the basement and never even see it, and when I started the experiment, I thought “Of course, I’m not climbing my own ladder!”. And this must have been the strongest assumption (the one that really impressed without me even realizing it) because – more or less one month after the ladder “SATS” and repetitions during the day – one evening as I was cooking a lentil soup one lentil (!) had slipped under the pot without me noticing and so it burned and produced a little bit of smoke, and by the time I had opened the window it was already too late and the smoke detector (on the ceiling) started to beep, and I had no other choice but to go to the basement, fetch my ladder (the ladder I was actually referring to each time I`d affirm “I will not climb the ladder”) and climb it to turn off the smoke detector (the only thing in the flat which I can reach only with a ladder and not with a chair) 😀

The second one is how I manifested my current flat last year (when I already knew about manifestation but in a not very specific way and hadn’t had coaching yet). I started out by making a list of all the qualities my new flat should have, and started looking for flats accordingly. I visited a lot of flats but none had everything I wanted. The whole thing was very stressful because I had to find the new flat by the end of the month (to be able to give the notice to the previous landlord in time), and where I live the demand for flats to rent is way higher than the offer, so more often than not if you write in response to an ad you don’t even get a reply, or tens of people visit the same flat at the same time and there is always someone who takes it on the spot etc. Despite the whole stress, I had clear in mind what I wanted and I was not ready to accept anything less. So I kept looking (also being ready to find a way to postpone the notice deadline in case I shouldn’t find anything I liked by the end of the month) and finally – after I don’t know how many disappointing visits – I found a flat that really had everything I wanted (and was within my budget in terms of rent), apart from one thing: it was in a district very far from the centre, in a not so nice area on the whole. I managed to convince the real estate agent to give me time over the weekend to think about it. Everyone kept telling me I should take it immediately, that I had been really lucky to find such a nice flat at such a rent, that in any case it was well connected with public transport, that I wouldn’t find something like this any time soon (=parroting back to me my own fears). But I just knew this was not my flat. So (with only a couple of days left till the end of the month) I decided not to take this flat, I persisted in my assumption about how my new flat should be and kept looking (even if I felt really discouraged and it really was against all odds that I should find the perfect flat in the next few days). At this point I need to mention that not far away from my previous flat (so in an area I already knew and liked, and close to the centre) a brand new block of flats had been built over the last couple of years. I had often passed by it and thought it looked really amazing from the outside, and wondered how the flats inside looked like and how much the rent was, and that I would like to live there (i did this “absent-mindedly” for months before I decided to move to a new flat, so I didn’t have a “need” back then, it just felt good to fantasize about living there). Of course then when I had started to look for a new flat I had also immediately looked into this particular block of flats that I already liked, but on the builders’ website there was not a single ad for this block of flats, it looked like every flat there had already been rented. But on the very same night where I made the decision to keep on looking and not accept the seemingly “perfect” flat in the outer district, I received an e-mail alert (I had subscribed to several websites that would send me ads of “suitable” flats) and I opened the e-mail almost disheartened (like “Here we go again, I have to start looking again and I have so little time now”) and the first ad I see in the e-mail was for a flat with the exact same “perfect” characteristics and the same rent as the flat I had just discarded because of its impractical location, in the exact block of flats I liked so much (which was close to where I lived back then, I had often passed by it “daydreaming” about living there, but which had seemed to be completely full only the day before). From there the bridge was so smooth (after having been so twisted that far) that it felt all natural (like “Of course I am moving there”): I could visit the flat the day after, I managed to give notice for my previous flat by the end of the month and got the keys of the new (perfect :)) flat within one month from when I had started looking for a flat in the first place (this is also extremely fast, considering how difficult it is to find a flat in my city and be chosen as a tenant in general). 

I hope you enjoyed reading these two success stories of mine and when I have time I will send more 🙂

Best, V

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