From Narcissist To Healthy Relationship

Success Story: From Narcissist To Healthy Relationship

Dear Athena,

Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude for everything you’ve done for me. I was trapped in a cycle of toxic relationships with narcissists who shattered my heart over and over again, gaslighting me, demeaning me, it was awful. I was encoutering a pattern of betrayal and manipulation and I didnt know how to break out of it. I was constantly being cheated on and made to feel worthless it actually left my mental health in pieces and I struggled with day to day living as a result of the heartbreak and pain it caused me. My insecurities and fears consumed me, leading to obsessive thoughts and severe anxiety.

Before I came to you, I was living in a nightmare. I felt completely worthless and alone. My past relationships left me feeling broken, and I couldn’t understand why I kept attracting narcissists who treated me so poorly. My self-esteem was nonexistent, and I was constantly anxious and depressed. I had no hope for a better future.

When I found you, Athena, I was at my lowest point. I desperately needed help to break free from the toxic patterns that had taken over my life. From our very first session, you made me feel understood and safe. You didn’t judge me and despite my anxiousness you were very patient which I will always be grateful for. You helped me to see the underlying reasons why I kept ending up in these horrible dysfunctional relationships. We worked on healing my inner child through hypnosis and releasing the deep-seated fears and pain that had been holding me back for so long.

With your guidance, I started to see myself differently. You taught me how to use guided visualization to change my self-concept and embody the new me, feeling appreciated and safe in love (emotions I never experienced in any relationship thus far). I began to visualize myself as a strong, confident woman who deserved love and most importantly respect. This shift in perception through coaching with you was transformative. I started to believe in my own worth and value. My friends and family members reflected this change first of all telling me that something about me seemed different. I was receiving more compliments about my character and even my appearance.

The change in me was nothing short of miraculous and I swear I don’t even recognise the old version of me. I already felt like a success story at this point even before I attracted my desire of a healthy loving relationship with my SP. As I implemented your guided visualisation techniques and changed my self-concept through the work we did, my partner started to change too. I took on your advice to always look at my SP from the perspective of the new me, from my wish fulfilled and this was something that just made everything else click into place. I understood the concepts and applied it but man oh man lol this was not easy! My SP’s shift was slow and still painful. I persevered in seeing him as the man I knew he could be. Even when he gaslit me. Even when he pulled away. As time went by I would see small changes. He started to take accountability for his behaviour after I decided to leave our shared apartment for some space and to prioritise my healing. He would call me stating he missed me and even decided to go for therapy to assist his mental illness! This was unreal to me as he always called therapists ‘quacks’ and had no belief in it but here he was, showing me he was willing to do whatever it took to mend our relationship.
He became more caring and attentive. He began to genuinely listen to me rather than talk over me or at me and he genuinely seemed to show interest in my feelings. Small acts of kindness like sweet texts asking about my day and keeping me updated about his therapy, plus taking me out and buying me little gifts were becoming more of the norm. The constant drama and pain in our old relationship disappeared. As he transformed I felt comfortable enough to come back to the apartment and we have been trying to make a go of it.

Thanks to you, Athena, I am now in a more loving and balanced relationship. I wake up every day feeling happy and respected. My life is completely different to what it was before, and it’s all because of the tools and support you gave me. I now know how to identify my self-conceptions and understand how these concepts influence the behavior of those around me. This knowledge has given me the power to change my life and everyone in it. I still continue to test the Law regularly so I don’t end up going back to any old bad habits and of course this is all still work in progress for me as I am on the road to healing and now going to manifest my dream career goals. 🙂

I am forever grateful to you Athena for helping me turn my life around. You were my guiding light in the darkest times, and I can’t thank you enough. Knowing that I have the power to shape my reality and relationships is the greatest gift I’ve ever received. Also healing my mental health which I believe was most important of all.

Thank you so much,


Are you ready to transform your own life and manifest your ideal relationship? What patterns do you need to break free from to step into your true potential?

4 thoughts on “From Narcissist To Healthy Relationship”

  1. Good afternoon Athena,

    I’ve been watching your videos and you have helped me so much. I think or know I need a lot more help. I would love to talk with you. I’m not good with technology not sure of the next step.
    Thank you,
    Christine Calabria

  2. Hi Athena,

    what a wonderful story! I wanted to ask you a question related to another story that I can’t find anymore, where a woman received contact by sp even if she chenged all of her contacts. My question is: I read that manifestations come in the most natural way, for me it’d be by a text message, but if I wanna manifest someone who deleted my number, is there a possibility that I won’t manifest that person, since the most natural way for me is not possible? How can we overcome it?

    Thank you if you’ll reply

    1. Hi Marika
      That success story you mention should be posted here. I pasted the email she sent me and I believe its the one whereby her SP got in touch with her despite the fact she blocked all avenues and deleted his contacts? It doesnt matter if your SP has your number or not, if they blocked you or if they are a stranger who doesnt know you. Circumstances do not matter as life is a reflection of you, and your reflection will always find a way to be seen/mirrored/manifest. Our only role is to focus on the outcome and imagine what we desire as though we have already received it. Step into that version of you and accept this as done.
      Sending love

      Athena xx

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