From ‘Ugly Duckling’ to Beautiful Swan: How I Transformed My Self-Concept

Hi Athena,

Thank you so much! 

I also wanted to share a success story with you after watching your latest wish fulfilled Friday video posted yesterday. I do believe I am on my bridge of events that are unfolding for my SP, and you can share this on your YouTube to hopefully inspire others that the Law is real šŸ™‚ I am also happy to share my success story with my SP once it comes into my 3D. 

Here is my story:

Growing up, I always saw myself as the ā€˜ugly daughterā€™, ā€˜black sheep of the familyā€™, or ā€˜unattractive kidā€™ out of my siblings and I. I have one older sister, and one younger brother, both of which were quite popular. Despite us going to three different schools, word spread around about my sister in my school about her competitive swimming and how some of the popular kids in my high school ran into her in the local clubs. My brother became known for his fencing abilities, and he was deemed good looking as well, with his looks drawing comparisons to my mother, who was a flight attendant back in the day. My mother, though she is in her 50s, many of my friends (alongside my siblingsā€™ friends and acquaintances) all saw her to be an extremely attractive woman, and shocked to believe that she was in her 50s as she looked to be in her 30s. This drove my self-esteem even lower to the ground, thinking I could never be as attractive or beautiful as my siblings, or even my mother. 

Though some people would compliment me too, I always looked at them in complete disbelief that they would compliment me. ā€œWhy would they compliment me?ā€ I would always wonder to myself. Instead of saying, ā€œThank you,ā€ I would say, ā€œReally?ā€ As if itā€™s something I couldnā€™t believe myself.  It was as if I didnā€™t believe that I could be that beautiful as well. So eventually, overtime, I built up this assumption that, I wasnā€™t beautiful. That I was the uglier child out of my two siblings, and that if guys do compliment me, Iā€™d think of it as some miracle because I just couldnā€™t see myself as gorgeous or stunning.

I am currently on the road to manifesting my SP back into my 3D. While doing so, Iā€™ve been affirming for myself and working on my self-concept, alongside affirming and doings SATS for my SP reunion. Some of my affirmations for myself included, ā€œWow, Iā€™m so prettyā€, ā€œIā€™m gorgeousā€, ā€œIā€™m stunningā€, ā€œIā€™m magnificentā€, ā€œIā€™m so grateful for this beautiful body of mineā€, ā€œYouā€™re such a catch! And magnetic! And attractive!ā€, ā€œYouā€™re stunningly beautifulā€, ā€œI am chosenā€, ā€œI am lovedā€, ā€œI am first bestā€, ā€œI am incomparableā€, ā€œI am without compareā€, ā€œI am a rare diamondā€, ā€œI am one in a billion!ā€, ā€œYouā€™re so pretty that guys literally have to stop you in your tracks to talk to youā€, ā€œYouā€™re a princess, a goddess!ā€ 

Now, I would affirm for myself during the day, when I go into the bathroom to do my skincare and brush my teeth, I would listen to affirmations on YouTube on a loop for self-concept. When Iā€™m on my bathroom break at work, Iā€™d make sure no one was in the bathroom, and if thereā€™s no one, Iā€™d repeat my self-concept affirmations in a whisper and truly feel them. Iā€™d throw in a few SP affirmations too, like, ā€œIā€™m so grateful my SP and I are togetherā€, ā€œIā€™m so grateful we are in this happily committed relationship right nowā€, ā€œI am so grateful that I am his future wifeā€, ā€œI am his princess, his goddess, and the love of his life.ā€ But I would mainly affirm for myself. This helps me go back into the wish fulfilled state if Iā€™m feeling like slipping, or if I just need a boost and Iā€™m not able to visualise in the heat of the moment, as I always squeal softly with joy and leave the bathroom with a smile on my face.

To my friends and my family who I tell this to, I call it ā€˜hyping myself upā€™. And though that may be true, Iā€™ve been seeing it truly unfold in ways I could not believe in my 3D. There was a bit of a time lag within the 3D, but a few days after affirming for myself, random men started complimenting me on my features and the way I dress (ā€œYour eyes are the most beautiful Iā€™ve ever seenā€, ā€œYou dress so beautifully, Iā€™ve seen others dress but none like youā€, ā€œYou look so magnificent in your dress, I hope to one day look as magnificent as you.ā€), asking me on dates, or stopping me just to talk with me. Iā€™ve had random men also cheer me on while I would go on my runs, or even stare at me with a small smile while Iā€™m walking with confidence yet bliss down the street or park. For the first time, hearing all these compliments helped my self-esteem a lot, something that I struggled for most of my life, and drives me to keep up with the affirmations. 

My, oh my, Iā€™ve never gotten so many compliments or attention from so much men in my life. Now, Iā€™m even receiving compliments from women as well, saying how much they love my dress or that I look so beautiful today. Hearing so many compliments left and right truly shows me that the only person to change is self, and that the 3D really is just a reflection of our beliefs. Now, instead of saying, ā€œReally?ā€, I would say, ā€œOh, thank you so much, I really appreciate itā€. I can feel my state shifting into a higher version of myself that knows that I am beautiful, that knows that I am stunning and gorgeous. When I look at previous photos of myself compared to now, I can see this change that I look so much more prettier. I canā€™t explain it, but I literally looked like I had a ā€œglow upā€. 

I wanted to share this story to hopefully inspire others that something like this. This truly is a tale for myself that I took away that, there really isnā€™t anyone to change but self. I went from really feeling like an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan, from having so much disbelief when people would compliment me or not even complimenting myself enough to accepting that I am attractive from others, but most importantly from myself. My SP used to compliment me all the time for my looks, how pretty and stunning I am, but I would always tell him, ā€œNo Iā€™m not.ā€ I could only imagine how heartbroken he must feel for me to reject that reality of his where his girlfriend was so pretty in his eyes. Since we are currently not in contact, I see people complimenting me and me accepting them as practise for my SP, for I want to tell him that I know I look beautiful when he compliments me. 

This has instilled quite the faith within me regarding the Law, and now I have some level of confidence that my affirmations will indeed help my larger manifestation with my SP. I just need to keep persisting, but I know, I know it is all within me. Because everything and everything I assume is my creation, and the 3D is just my reflection of that.


This is my story! Again, feel free to share this on your Youtube, I think this could help in terms of Self-Concept (maybe?). 

Thank you again!

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