He Came Back Begging After I Stopped Manifesting Him—Here’s Why

Dear Athena, 

This is not the kind of success story you share on your YouTube channel but I think a lot of people might benefit from this email. I would like to share a perspective I got from the video you posted about not controlling others. I’ve been into Law of Assumption for almost two years and of course, like many others, I was drawn to it to manifest a specific person. It was a total disaster for the first year. I didn’t understand the principles of manifestation, I wasn’t interested in how things work, I just wanted to be with that person and I was willing to do every technique possible in order to GET him (now that I think about it, my God, THE CRINGE!). However, I now understand why I was drawn to him in the first place and the concept I had of myself was awful. As a result, I was in a dynamic where I was treated poorly, rejected and not chosen. A lot of hot and cold behaviour. I have compassion for the person I was back then and I had to go through that experience to change and evolve. I learnt a lot, I grew up and I can fiercely say I am proud of the woman I became when, finally, I dropped him completely and I focused on who I wanted to be and what I wanted to truly experience in my life. As a result, fast forward two months and a half, he reaches out to me and says “I miss you, I want to see you”. In the meantime I realized I wasn’t interested in him anymore and I was falling in love with another man, who treats me with kindness, support and truly reciprocates my feelings. However, even though this is a success story in and of itself, that’s not the main focus. I realized, watching you and other content creators, that the real self-concept we must carry with ourselves is the “I AM” self-concept. Knowing we are the I AM and knowing that we are all connected, consciousness delivers us all desires. We don’t know how and we don’t know when. But why? We emit signals to the outer world through our subconscious mind and these signals reach out to other people. However, we receive signals and impulses from other people too. Everyone is me pushed out and I am them pushed out. We are one and connected to source (the greatest power which, I believe, is love). That’s why what we desire desires us too. And that’s why, sometimes, we play a role in other people fulfilling their desires. We’re so focused, in this community, on the first scenario but I think a good reminder of these principles is that we fulfill others too. In that sense, there’s no free will. The free will we have not only lies on the state we choose to occupy, of course, but how we respond to those signals. I’ve seen a lot of people who are preoccupied with what Neville wrote about people rejecting your manifestation and your thoughts transmission. If you think about thought transmission as signals input, you can see why people can reject you. For example, I don’t like the concept of obsession and I will never affirm or wish that for anyone. If you affirm for me that I am obsessed with you, I’m going to reject you and the signal will go back to the sender which, probably, is gonna obsess over me. It’s as simple as that. The signals go back and forth all the time through individuals. You won’t know if a thought in your mind originated from your own consciousness or from the consciousness of someone else. You only experience yourself. As a manifestor, though, you are aware of your internal world and you can influence other people’s signals with yours. In the case of a specific person, you know you’re on the right track when you’re aligned with the reality you want to experience innerworld. The chances are that your signal is aligned with the signal of your SP (that’s why in this community coaches say “They’re thinking and feeling what you’re thinking and feeling”). Remember though that the signal is a subconscious one and not a conscious one. That’s why it is also important to go to the end, in my opinion. You send the signal, loud and clear, and others are picking up on that specific signal. If you go to the middle, the signal is different of course. You’re gonna emit that. However, past the middle you don’t know what’s gonna happen. 

You basically don’t know the how and the when because you don’t know who is picking up on the signal you emit, which is instant by the way, and the series of events that occur to the signal to become alive in the conscious mind of the people who’s gonna fulfill your desire in the outer world.

I hope it does make sense. We don’t control people’s behaviour, we don’t always manifest 100% of the events that occur in our life (sometimes life just is what it is), but we can choose who we are and how we respond to life and to circumstances. We choose the signals we emit and the ones we want to receive. 

I have other success stories I would like to share with you, but I don’t feel safe to share them on the internet for now. Maybe in the future. I hope you understand.

Thank you for your job Athena and thank you for the videos you make. Wish you all the best.

Thank you Athena for your kind response!

Yes, of course you can post it on your website. I truly believe this perspective could help a lot of people. 

I overlooked self-concept for so long indeed. I was afraid (and I don’t know if someone else might experience the same thing) that if I said “Well, I deserve better than this!” I wasn’t living in the end, because the person who’s in a relationship with his/her SP shouldn’t think that or feel anger towards an SP which is treating you poorly (you created that, right? … well, yes and no). I struggled a lot with my first SP to find a balance between self-concept and living in the end. I was afraid when I felt anger or frustration or sadness. I realized later on that emotions help me to manifest, even the “negative” ones. I destroyed my old self-concept with anger. Destruction led me to a new self. I cannot say it was pleasant as an emotion, but it was very effective! When I got so fed up with the situation with my original SP, I changed, I evolved. I wasn’t willing to go on with the situation for years, I knew I didn’t deserve that and I knew I didn’t want to change or manifest consciously a person forever (which is a state a lot of us fall into at some point on their journey). No one deserves that, no one! I learnt that I don’t need to do anything in particular to experience love, I AM love and I deserve love at my core, for who I AM. I AM special and unique. I AM valuable and I AM irreplaceable. I AM the priority, for myself and for the people I love. I now truly believe and understand that people are lucky to have me in their lives. I AM grateful for the people around me, which are amazing and extraordinary in their own way, and I know they’re grateful towards me. Working on my self-concept helped me to enhance the relationship with my parents too, since I understood where my wounds came from and that my parents didn’t know better since they also had their wounds (more a psychological approach than a manifestation one, but I love psychology and I incorporate that with my “manifestation routine”). I accepted I can help them too and they allow me to, because they listen to me (which wasn’t true a few months ago). They deserve love and they deserve to live the best life they can possibly have. 

I went from a victim to an empowered woman. I’ve never had coaching with anyone for now and I don’t know if I ever will. However, watching your content helped me tremendously in moments of discomfort and struggle. As you say in every video, “You all are already a success”. Yes, we all are, including you and me.

Wish you a lovely day 🌸 

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