He Said He Didn’t Want Me in His Life—But I Knew It Wasnt Over

**My Success Story with the Law of Assumption**

Hello, I felt inspired to finally share my success. I love your content Athena, and over the last few months, your explanations helped me stay faithful and believe that things would sort out. So, here is my story, which starts three years ago when my SP (specific person) entered my life.

We met at work, and I had no idea back then that he would become so important to me. At first glance, in those few seconds of our meeting, I thought: “Wow, he’s kind of beautiful… No, no, mind, we are not going there.” I’d heard he was struggling with something in his life, something that reminded me of a family member’s issues, and I didn’t want to risk being hurt in that way again. Besides, I had a huge crush on someone else at the time, and that felt all-consuming.

Honestly, I wasn’t even a fan of my SP in the beginning. I knew he was a kind person, but I wasn’t looking at him as someone I’d want to date long-term. Our interactions were polite and short, and he seemed a bit shy around me. But at some point, he started giving me little compliments and small gifts like chocolates. I found it cute, and it was clear he had more feelings for me than I had for him at that point. These days, I laugh about it and say I was his manifestation all along.

Months went by, and I began to see him differently. I got to know him better, and I realized he really was a good-hearted man with a great sense of humor. We began spending more time together and discovered we were alike in fundamental ways. Slowly but surely, I started falling for him. My former crush just faded away.

Our beginnings were so sweet. He is my first and last love. We were good friends, and he was very gentle, never wanting to rush things. Eventually, we became a couple, and it was wonderful. But despite how in love I was, I also went through the worst depression of my life during this time. My self-concept was terrible, and even though I knew he loved me, I kept assuming he was getting tired of me. It started to show in our relationship.

My depression and mood swings put a strain on things. I also noticed that he could be avoidant at times, especially during emotional talks—the very conversations I needed most. Things began to go south. He would be there for me, then pull away, and I felt worse than ever. We broke up and got back together multiple times. Deep down, I always assumed he loved me, but I thought, “There must be something wrong with me.” My 3D reality kept reflecting that belief.

Eventually, we broke up for good. It was a year and a half apart, and during that time, I started my journey to better health and began shifting my perception. One thing that never changed was my belief in him: I knew he loved me but was going through a tough time. Even though I was in a different place and a different country, I believed in us so deeply.

When I came back, I could see that he had suffered without me( I had strong beleif : he is gonna miss me ,a lot)—he was sadder,skinnier and just different. But then I got the worst news: he was moving to another town, far away. My fear had manifested, but I told myself it was just part of the bridge of incidents. In the two months before he moved, he was hot and cold—showing me he still cared, but then pulling away, sometimes even being a bit cruel. I wasn’t angry, just sad, drowning in all those unpleasant feelings.

I decided to risk it all. I knew I might trigger his avoidant side (another assumtion), but I needed to know. So, I reached out and made a move, only for him to tell me he didn’t want me in his life and that I shouldn’t contact him unless it was an emergency. And then… the strangest thing happened. My mind calmed down. It was like I’d never been depressed. I felt free. I knew deep down that it wasn’t over and that there was more to our story.

Around that time, Law of Assumption content started popping up on my feed, and I bought Neville’s books. I began to wonder and test the law. I used Joseph Alai’s list method and started with small things—manifesting the weather, random acts of kindness from strangers, changes in my appearance, a car, even cloud shapes. And it worked. I even started seeing little signs from my SP.

He began sending me small messages, nothing major, just signs that I was on his mind. And then one evening, he messaged me, saying how much he missed me and how he loved my new sexy haircut. Things moved slowly, but surely in the direction I wanted. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t waver at times—the “old man” didn’t want to stay dead—but I saw the end clearly. In my imagination, it had already happened, so every time I stumbled, I bounced back.

I kept testing the law, enjoying it, and growing my conviction that I was worthy of the love I desired. I started to believe that he knew what we had was special—that it was one-of-a-kind. I even had dreams where we were back together; a premonition, maybe. Affirmations started to come naturally, like: “He’s no longer afraid,” and “He knows he has to make a move, or I’ll be gone forever.”

Then it happened. One day, I was on Facebook, just casually scrolling, and I accidentally clicked on something that showed me he was selling his games, including the ones I had given him for our anniversary. I was furious at first. I thought, “Doesn’t it mean anything to him?” But then I paused: maybe he just needed the money. It was just a game, and he had plenty of other things to remember me by.

That event pushed me to reach out. I asked if he wanted to go on a short vacation together—a trip I had planned months ago but was too hesitant to ask about. I figured, if nothing else, I’d get closure. To my surprise, his reaction was very positive. We matched dates, and everything was set.

A few evenings later, he called me and asked what the point of the trip was. My heart sank; I panicked. I didn’t want to push him away, so I answered carefully: “What do you have in mind?” He wanted to cancel, and I quickly responded, “I just want to have fun. You’re the perfect travel buddy. I don’t want anything more if you don’t.” We had a long conversation, and I admitted my feelings. It turned out he just needed to know that I wanted him back. He was ready to pull away to protect himself if I didn’t.

So, here we are now. We’re keeping in touch, and our trip is coming up soon. I’m confident in what we have and in myself, and I’m already celebrating. This is my big little success, on the way to our happy ending!

Thank you !

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