Her Miraculous Health Manifestation

hi athena

I watched your most recent youtube (activate villain / boss mode) & wanted to share my success from almost 8 years ago, well before i knew anything about the law. 

i haven’t coached with you, nor have i been watching your content long – maybe only a month. 

i’ve been on this conscious manifesting journey for almost 2 years now, as my husband & i separated – so of course, SP was my reason, like so many others. i purposely manifested him back; accidentally manifested him back out again; & have been purposely manifesting him back again for the last year – it has taken me 10 months to shift my state in that. yep, 10 whole months!! now that i have actually shifted my state, i can see i was “wanting” a reconciliation with him but was never actually in the state – *you* have helped me to shift. i say that with 100% confidence! i’ve watched other coaches, i’ve heard other messages – a lot of it has been the same. it’s not that you’ve said anything i didn’t already know, but your delivery & the way you teach has resonated with me & been priceless! but now, onto my other success lol

8 years ago, i suffered a stroke at 29. it was something the doctors described as a “severe” stroke, in my cerebellum & brain stem. part of my skull was removed as my brain was swelling & i would have gone into cardiac arrest if i didn’t have this life saving surgery – i almost died, was in intensive care for a few days, & my whole life was very obviously turned upside down.

i didn’t know it then as i didn’t know about the law, but it has been my mindset which has determined my successful recovery.

my husband & i married 5 weeks after, when i was still in hospital. i was in a wheel chair, my speech had been badly affected & i was not independent at all – he fed me, he showered me, he took me to the toilet & wiped my bum, he pushed me around in my wheel chair, he drove me around as i had lost my license due to my stroke; he had pretty much become my carer.

i wouldn’t say i was depressed as such, but there were definately times early on where i didn’t know how things would pan out for me; i didn’t know what the future held for me; i couldn’t see life improving. i cried a lot. i had lots of thoughts of “im 29, i don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a wheel chair. i don’t want to live the next 50 years like this, i wish i just died when i had my stroke.” i grieved for my old life. i felt ashamed of who i was. i felt embarrassed. i felt embarrassed for our children (who were 4 & 5 at the time) for having a “disabled mum.” i guess looking back on this now – they were a lot of “dire” circumstances. i had a lot of thoughts, feelings & emotions. the 3D was telling me “no.”

this is where mindset & determination comes in. even though my 3D was literally the definition of a shitshow – i had the mindset & determination of “im 29, there is no way in hell im having a carer at 29. there is no way in hell my husband is wiping my bum for the rest of my life!! there is no way in hell my kids are having a disabled mum!”

i refused to accept it. i refused to accept what the 3D was showing me. “research” says after 6 months, that’s the most recovery you’ll have after having a stroke – i refused to accept that. with that strength & determination, i became independent again. i got my license back. i learned how to walk again. i got stronger & started feeding myself, showering myself & taking myself to the toilet again.

it took time. it wasn’t easy. there were days it was hard. there were days where i cried. there were days where i grieved. there were days i was overwhelmed. there were days where i had a lot of big feelings. but regardless, the motivation to live as normal life as possible is what kept me going. the mindset of “i am a stroke survivor, not a stroke victim” is what kept me going.

after i watched your boss mode video, is when i reflected on my stroke journey & realised you were right to say that your mindset determines your outcome; & i can now apply that to

my SP manifestation too.

thank you for all that you do, athena ♥️ thank you for that video, i have saved it & will play it whenever i need a pick me up. being able to relate it all back to my stroke has helped me to understand it’s ok to have thoughts, feelings, emotions, cry, spiral, a 3D that looks absolutely terrible & you can’t possibly see a way out of it – if your mindset is on point, it’s all going to be ok!! if your state / state of mind is on point – then it doesn’t matter, everything *has* to work out xx

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