Her Specific Person Was Cold & Distant Until She Did This!

Hey everyone, I want to share my story with you, especially if you’re struggling in a situation where you think your person will never change. Maybe they’re stubborn, or you’ve always known them to be a certain way, and you can’t imagine them being different. Trust me when I say this: all versions of our person truly do exist, and change is possible.

Well over a year ago, I was dating this guy who seemed like a perfect match. He ticked all the boxes on my soulmate list, which I had made instinctively before even knowing about the Law of Assumption. He was kind, generous, and adventurous—everything I had wanted. Plus, he was tall, dark, and handsome, just how I like them. When we first met, I was completely smitten. But even though everything seemed perfect, I had a huge guard up. I had just come out of a long-term relationship where the father of my daughter left me for another woman, so I was hurting deeply even though he had been over 8 months of being single and I wanted to just move on….it seemed I wasn’t over the pain and shock of it all.

At first, things with my new guy were amazing he was pursuing me a lot more in the beginning and if anything I was being more chilled and reserved about him.  He would take me out and even try to get to know my daughter and build a bond but things were a bit strained there. He was not natural with children and seemed out of his depth but he would take us out on surprise days out to include her…places like the Aquarium and zoo.

However a couple months into the relationship I noticed he started to pull away. He became distant, stopped responding to my messages.  First the delays would be hours and then it would take days to get a reply and each time I would message him and try to get some communication going or see if he was ok and what was the reason for this cold shoulder.  He just offered lame excuses like being busy with work or being tired. It made me feel insecure and unstable, and I started to worry that he might have met someone else. My past experiences had left me with such low self-worth and mistrust in men which I realise was the problem now because even when things were good with us I was picking at all the flaws. Seeing his lack of relationship with my daughter as ‘oh hes gonna leave he doesn’t want this baggage, she doesn’t like him and he is not good with children so there is no hope.’ As my mistrust for him grew and my insecurities came more and more to the surface he seemed less interested and would start being almost nasty….making jokes that I found immature or hurtful.  Being very cold not physically affectionate. Seemed to be more concerned about himself…I literally watched him become the complete opposite of who I met before.
I kept picking I guess until I created a disconnect until I created this new unappealing version….and I didn’t even know I was doing it.  Now when you know about the Law it becomes so clear doesn’t it.

I found Athena’s channel when I was looking for self-help and clarity and something spiritual, and her videos on the Law of Assumption really resonated with me compared to other coaches I had stumbled upon. I decided to reach out to her when I was at my lowest and things completely slowed to a halt with my SP, and her support has been life-changing. Athena helped me make peace with my past relationship and understand why it was so hard for me to let go of the old story with my ex. Instead of just telling me to ignore the past, she guided me through processing it and finding forgiveness within myself. This was huge as I have had coaching in the past and was always told ‘no I don’t want to hear your old story it didn’t happen’.  Well I get the logic but this was not helping me to replace it with anything good when I was obviously still hurting.

Once I dealt with the past, I was able to focus on what I truly wanted with my specific person. We worked on clearing my limiting beliefs, using hypnosis and other techniques to help me open up to receiving my desires. I eventually reached a place of peace and detachment. I wasn’t desperate or hyper-focused on my SP anymore, and our communication was basically non existent, but I was okay with that. I started to live my life, date other people, and focus on my daughter and my career goals..  I took the plunge and went for my dream job which was to work in a nursery. I had no skill or experience but it came across so easily and the first interview I went to I got the job. I think this helped a lot with my self esteem and self worth. It also gave me purpose that was wider than my SP.

Then, out of nowhere, my specific person started reaching out to me again. He wanted to see me, but I kept my guard up a little so it wasn’t something I was willing to jump back in to at this point.

I forgot to mention before he got in touch I started having dreams about him, where he was the charming guy I had fallen for, and slowly, he began to open up to me more. I learned about his own struggles, which made me realize that his behavior wasn’t about me—it was about his own issues.

As we reconnected, I saw him in a new light.  A lot of this would no doubt be based on the work I did with Athena to remove old relationship wounds so that I wouldn’t be so sceptical of men or relationships.

Instead of seeing him as cold or even slightly narcissistic, I saw a vulnerable person who was scared and just wanted to trust but didn’t know how to.  This enabled me to be more patient with him as things were unfolding for us and feel more compassion rather than fear. I felt empowered as I felt like I was in control now and it really helped.  As he slowly opened up, our relationship began to change and grow. He introduced me to his mom which was huge as I felt like I was a secret for so long, and his relationship with my daughter improved dramatically—they’re like best friends now. Its taken a while for things to start turning around, and we’ve made so much progress. We even have a holiday booked together which would have been unheard of before as he wouldn’t even want to spend the night with me! I feel confident that we’re moving forward and we have the commitment I wanted.  I do feel very safe right now and stable in myself and my relstionship

I wanted to share this story because I know how easy it is to feel hopeless. But change is possible. Athena’s coaching changed my life. I feel so much lighter, and I’ve removed the negative energy that was stopping me from trusting and loving again. Don’t give up—if you want love, it’s already yours. If you want a stable home or a dream job, dare to believe it’s within you now.

Thank you, Athena, for everything you do. You’ve truly transformed my life.

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