How He Turned 7 Rejections Into Marriage With His Specific Person

Hiya Athena,

Thank you for giving me the chance to share this really cute but quite inspiring success story about manifesting the love of your life. I often think of this story as I am on my own specific person manifestation journey. I can’t take credit for the story as it isn’t my own, but it belongs to my grandfather. You know how grandparents are—they love to share the story of how they met your grandmother. Obviously, back then, he didn’t know that he was manifesting or about the law of assumption but I can see how his intentions and persistence made his desire become his reality.

He met my grandmother at a fair when they were still quite young. He knew instantly that he was attracted to her and wanted to be with her. He told me how he had said to his friends, “That is the woman I am going to marry.” He was just adamant and convinced that he had met the love of his life at that moment in time. He knew she would be the mother of his children…he said he could just see it there and then (haha my grandfather did a real time imaginal act I guess you can say).

At this time, my grandmother was a couple of years younger than him. I believe they were in their early twenties. She came from a very privileged background, which was a massive contrast to my grandfather, who had grown up in a poor working-class family. My grandmother would not even entertain my grandfather at this time. She always told me that she was not interested in him in the slightest. She was not attracted to him, and even if she liked him on some level, she said she would not have considered him as a husband because her family would not have approved. He was a bit of a rebel in his time, and she was quite the opposite. I can hear her telling me he was such a teddy boy and it just didn’t appeal to her.

Anyway, that didn’t stop my grandfather from asking her out at the fair and trying to court her, as he would say back in those days. She absolutely rejected him. No interest at all. I asked him if he was upset by that but he said he wasn’t really because he knew she would be his wife…she just didn’t know it yet. Lol!  How is that for confidence right…you should see my grandfathers face when he told me this story because honestly he still is that cheeky chap with a hint of arrogance but in a sweet way.

So apparently my grandfather didn’t see or hear anything of my grandmother after that night until a couple of months later through another social gathering. I think perhaps their friendship groups were mildly linked together. Again, at this gathering, he made a beeline for her, but again, she turned him down.

Now, my grandfather was not one to take no for an answer, and I’ve learned valuable lessons from him. He made an incredible success of his life despite coming from a working-class background. He strived for better and went to school and university to gain the qualifications to become a doctor working hard to save and study to get his dream career. His intention was strong, and he was determined to make something of himself, just as determined as he was to get the girl of his dreams. But she was showing him no interest.

I wish I could show you all a video of my grandparents talking about this story because it was the cutest thing, and it would ignite a spark between them to reminisce on this. It was as though they were those kids again. Anyway, I’m not too sure of all the details. All I know is that my grandfather wasn’t taking no for an answer. He carried on with his life. He even dated other girls. He was very handsome in his youth, and many women found him desirable, except for my grandmother, of course. But he said he knew they were all just filler because his wife was still out there waiting to realise he was the one for her.

As time progressed he would see my grandmother out and about in social gatherings or in their local area. He would always go up to her, flirt with her, and, as he said, try to woo her. But she wasn’t having any of it anytime. She always turned him down. She even had another boyfriend as well. I asked my grandfather if that ever put him off and what made him continuously ask her out when she was showing no interest. He said to me, “When you know what you want, you will stop at nothing to get it.” He always had the mindset that things always worked out if you were strongly determined, then nothing could stop you.  I think (and please don’t think badly of my Grandfather here lol but he flirted with my Grandmother in front of her boyfriend once and even got in a scuffle with the boy over it).  Like I say my grandfather is a bit bold and shameless at times lol.

I try to apply his mindset in my own manifestation journey, and I have seen much success in all areas of my life. I am hoping it will have the same effect on my specific person manifestation. Anyway, I think a few years passed with my grandfather consistently bumping into my grandmother and trying his hardest to get her attention. He would even try to get messages across to her through other friends. It was so different in those days without mobile phones. He didn’t know and didn’t care if she was dating anyone else. He didn’t care if he was dating. He knew that she was his wife and he tells me how he couldn’t see anyone else in his vision. They were so compatible in his mind and he felt in his heart the love they could have.  I feel such mix emotions right now…because my grandpa passed away recently so its kinda sad but also makes me happy to go back to him telling me these stories of his life.

One day, he met my grandmother again at another occasion and, in his cocky self, managed to convince her to give him a chance and go on a date. My grandmother always said she was reluctant, but his persistence made her decide to give in. Suddenly, she abandoned all concerns about what her family would think, and she could see that this boy was determined to win her heart. So they went on a date. Of course, it went really well. She said something happened that night when they had their first date—something changed within her, and she saw him very differently. Of course, my grandfather had said from the beginning that he would marry her. She dismissed this, but he was right. A year later, they were married. He got his qualifications and became a doctor. He made amazing money, and they lived a very good life together.

The thing I take from my grandfather’s story is how determined he was. I admire his energy, his charisma, and his ability to not take no for an answer. This reminds me, Athena, of your video where you read out Neville’s lecture “Brazen Impudence.” That whole idea of not taking no for an answer and just keeping on knocking because eventually, you have to get a yes. My grandfather did that for everything in his life—the woman he loved, the career he wanted, the lifestyle. He was self-made in his wealth and took care of my grandmother without the help of her family, who, by the way, were not impressed at first but eventually accepted him.

Thank you for letting me share this little success story. Every time my grandfather would tell me about it, his face would light up. As I was watching your client’s successes, Athena, I thought to myself, “Oh my goodness, I know of so many success stories, not only of my own but within my family.” I could share some of my own, but I never had a success with a specific person yet. I am still young and new to the law. However, this just goes to show that you don’t need to know about how to consciously manifest.

Seven times my grandmother rejected my grandfather by the way. Seven times she told him no over the years, she was not interested and turned her back.
Even when she was dating someone else, my grandfather still didn’t accept the no. He had decided that he would marry her one day. She was out of his league, out of his class, and it didn’t matter to him. It just spurred him on even more to make something of his life and fulfil his role as the doting husband that would provide for his wife.

I hope everyone finds this as inspiring as I do. I hope to find love with someone just like my grandparents did. They were married for 48 years.

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