Faith over Fear – Skin Cancer Scare Healed in 3 Weeks

Hi Athena!!! 

I don’t even know if you’ll receive this email. I know you will, just a matter of when but who cares, it’s done once sent. Hahaha! I first saw you on TikTok and watched you there until I uninstalled it (too much to see, I got overwhelmed) and I am glad I found you AGAIN on YT. 

It all started first week of this month. Oddly enough, I found out I have an unusual “skin tag” right beside my private part cheek, just in between my thighs. It’s as big as a white pea seed. Worried as I am, I suddenly booked an online appointment with a specialist. I got a phone call few minutes after. So I described to her how it looked like and how it suddenly appeared. She then gave me a prescription cream that I need to apply 3x a week on alternate days for 6-9 weeks.  After work, I went to buy the cream and I am surprised how much it costs. It’s just a little packet and it already cost half of my daily salary. I am supposed to buy 5 of it but I only bought 1. I told myself, I only need one because it’s gone anyway. This unusual skin tag is gone. I kept affirming on my way home that its gone (not because I believe it will be gone but more like worried of how much it costs). So I am affirming not because I trust thats its gone but I am affirming out of worry. Which is, affirming from lack. I used the cream as advised and then got curious as to why it costs that much. I googled the cream and I WAS SOOOOO FREAKING SURPRISED AND WORRIED AND ALMOST CRIED OUT LOUD that the cream is for skin cancer. I told my partner about it, my partner’s sister and two of my friends. Worried I have cancer growing, I kept attracting it because my focus is on the worst result. The skin tag became worse too. It got bigger and it hurts more. 

Then I remember you saying, in one of your videos, wearing different eyeglasses (one glasses, one reality. All you have to do is CHOOSE.) 

Soooooooooo, I started to really affirm (with TRUST and FAITH this time) while I am applying the cream saying “ohhh, there you are, I almost didn’t see you”. Everytime I apply the cream, I talk to it saying I can’t almost see you. Kept my faith that its not a “skin cancer”, I still have to buy another packet and ONLY then I saw that ONE packet says “FOR SINGLE USE ONLY”. And that first packet I bought, I used it for 7 days. Maybe that’s why it’s not healing at all is what I thought (got triggered again) One single use, costs half of my daily salary, 3x a week for 6-9 weeks would drain me. But this time, I still bought just ONE and told myself, you’re the last packet anyway. Because I kept my faith that I am healed and that its gone, I opened the packet and applied it Friday night. I noticed, the skin tag/wart is already flaky and I don’t know how to even explain what happened but its almost soooo invisible that night.

As per advised, I need to apply it Mon, Wed, Fri and give it rest for weekends then start again Monday. So, going back, I opened that one packet, Friday night, applied a small amount. Saturday morning, its still there, but super small. While looking at it with a mirror of course ahahaha, I said, ohh you’re gone! Where are you? Sunday night, before I went to bed. I said, “Thank you for healing me. Thank you.”

Monday morning, I woke up, and it’s totally gone. I didn’t even get to say goodbye. Ahaha just kidding. Checking online reviews and testimonials with the same case like mine, they said, healing takes time even up to 16 weeks but mine took 3 weeks!!! 

I know some of you will say, of course its gone because you have the cream for treatment. Yes, that’s true. The cream is the ACTION I had to take but it’s my faith that healed me. Seeing how big it was, I was advised to use the cream for  6-9 weeks and if there’s no changes, I have to already visit the hospital for a serious treatment. But mine is gone in 3 weeks. If that’s not miracle/manifestation/belief, then I don’t know what it is. 

Being grateful to what your body allows you to do is one thing I must say to practice. Aside from being thankful to anything else, I now always say “Thank you for my body that’s allowing me to do amazing things”. Since then, I’ve been  healthier…and sexier. ☺️☺️☺️


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