How I Went from Devastation to Getting My Ex Back – Road Towards Success

Hi Athena, i hope you are doing well. This is such a long story but its so worth the read, hopefully i make sense of what im trying to say and help out my fellow manifestors. So this all started back in late 2022 me and my girl we were together and everything was good, but my mindset was worsening the more time went on and we ended up splitting up in january of 2023. I was devastated obviously and didnt know what to do. I ended up taking a break from my life and just traveled to see some family in another state. It was nice and helped me relax. Fast forward a bit i learn abt the law of assumption after learning about manifesting for a few months. i started applying some teachings and i would get a few signs like her showing up liking my reposts on tik tok no big deal but it kept me motivated that it was working. September 2023 she came back into contact for the first time in a long time and our break up was quite bad may i add. She told me to delete everything of her and blocked me and i had no closure at all so i was very sad. Anyway she came back into contact in september and we were talking like nothing bad ever happened and we were doing great. But i was still insecure about myself and i didn’t like when she started talking about other guys. Then she ended up leaving a few weeks after. Again no closure this time and i was sad all over again. Then i saw she had a 3p around october but thats nonsense so doesnt really matter haha. Anyways fast forward to the recent months its just all been the same. Going to sleep with affirmations, occasional scripting and affirming, and it all rlly clicked whenever this last week i was just like “you know what im just going to start thinking about myself more and just be the best version of me that i can.” because before i had no plan for the future but now my career is all set up and i knew it would also attract her too because she wanted to see me successful in life. So after that claim last week i get a text from her older sister saying “do you want sp to send you back the clothes” i said sure why not and to send it before i leave to the military. And that’s what got her. My sp texted me after she found out i was leaving and we have been in contact since yesterday im pretty sure. We talked all day and made up for the past. I finally got my closure. Now though the bridge is still unfolding (there’s a 3p) but we don’t mind that he’s younger than her and i personally think it would be easier to manifest her and attract her to me since im a bit older than her lmao. Beforehand if she told me that i’d be devastated. I’m unfazed now though. And i keep mentioning just watch time will tell what happens for us maybe this will all work out. And she never disagreed and i know it’s because she’s so into me right now, i always find a way to charm her when we talk its hilarious. But yes now in a few weeks im visiting her state because i was going any way to see friends before i leave to the military AND SHE SAID WE SHOULD GET MATCHING TATTOOS HELLO??? So if thats not a sign idk what is. Its all working out in my favor and i feel my pride and unbotheredness coming back. Some advice for my people trying to manifest sp’s. Don’t worry about it that much it all ends up working as long as you PERSIST. Just keep imagining being with them and living in that state whenever you see something bad happen because that is what truly is happening the INSTANT you do that. Some methods i used were affirmations, scripting, listening to really good music that me and her used to listen to, and sleeping to affirmations. Methods don’t really matter but they do help you get into that state you want. If there’s any questions you can ask i feel like im missing some stuff too but that is still a lot of information and im sure it will help. But yea my bridge is still unfolding but in my favor and i cant wait to share that later on. Bless you Athena i couldn’t have done it without your content and many other coaches and i can’t wait to hear more success stories from everyone else HAPPY MANIFESTING!!!!

also sorry forgot to include i had MANY 3d circumstances against me. even my own friends saying to give up so id give the advice of not telling anyone but other loa people. and since she came back shes been so easy to talk to she starts the conversations. and we weren’t talking for a bit i couldve assumed she was doing something bad but i assumed something good and she was just taking a nap 🙂 and shes texting me again right now as i type this out

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