How I Manifested Healing From 2.5 Years of Pain & Ended A 4 Year Rift..Plus SP progress

There were a few things I was trying to manifest, first it started with my SP conforming. 2nd was mending a broken relationship with my sister.  The 3rd thing was just to see if the law worked, it was about healing my plantar fasciitis.  

Success Story 1: 

The easiest of the 3 was healing my foot pain. I was in pain for 2.5 years straight. I needed to see a professional, when I came across a video on Youtube about a women who healed her stomach ache by talking to her body.  I said what can I lose? Let’s try it. So at night before I slept I did some meditation (breathing in and out, becoming aware of my own breath and surroundings) I then just spoke to my body. I said this…”I know who I am, I am the creator of my reality, my words and thoughts create. Body, I am asking you to heel and rid yourself of any pain, my foot has no more pain. Revert to a healed state of being. You are healed”.  I did this maybe once or twice and just didn’t think of it again. I didn’t wake up in the morning looking for the pain, I was very used to feeling the worst in the morning, but before the week was over I had absolutely no pain in my foot. I couldn’t believe it, I don’t even know what day it happened. I am a heavy Zumba exercise dancer and my pain liked to show up heavily while I danced.  I remember one day during Zumba, the pain began to return, I just started to say to myself in my head, I have no pain, my foot is healed (wink wink, I actually could feel the pain, but ignored it).  The next day, no pain at all. I have been pain free for months.  Success #1. 

Success Story 2: 

The 2nd manifestation was hard to manifest but also shocking because I didn’t think it would actually happen, it was mending my relationship with my sister. We always had a great relationship, we were best friends until the fall out, which was caused by something she and her husband did to our family. I was the whistleblower and therefore have not been allowed to see my niece & nephewsin over 4 years. My daughter has been growing up without her cousins and it broke my heart. I couldn’t believe my sister could be so cruel to do that to my daughter. It was ok if she didn’t talk to me, but to keep the kids at bay was heartbreaking for everyone.  I tried manifesting the mending of this relationship back in November of 2023.  I hired a coach to help me and the biggest advice was to focus on the end scene. So I started with focusing on a visual scene of spending the holidays together, but then my mind would begin to remember the old terrible story and I would get angry and start to think of the fact that the scene I imagined could only happen if she apologized, or did this or that action and then it would end with me thinking she’s a terrible person and she’s never doing any of the things needed to fix it all. This continued to repeat and no change was seen, let alone a holiday together.  So instead I changed gears and began to focus on my SP manifestation. Around  April of 2024 something changed within me, I sort of gave up, I was tired of being angry at my sister.  Now whenever I thought of her I would stop the old story, instead I would say “my sister is good, loving and wants to mend things. God I leave it to you, I don’t know how, but you’ll fix it all. Thank you.” I would repeat this same thing only when my sister popped into my head. I no longer did the visual holiday scene or any scene for that matter. If someone asked about her I stopped telling the old story, instead I just said to people “no change, nothing to tell, one day she’ll come around.”  Answering that way really helped me keep my emotions neutral.  

Then in May for Mother’s Day, my mother went out with both my sisters and didn’t invite me. I was so hurt when I found out.  I cried all weekend and even though my mom tried making things better with me, I couldn’t accept an apology.  I help my mother with everything, bills, house, everything. My sister’s don’t pitch in and never come to see her, and yet she doesn’t include me on Mother’s Day. I told her that I felt like she didn’t consider me a daughter and maybe we needed some distance. She explained that because my younger sister and I don’t get along she thought we would physically fight in public, I was shocked by this because we are over 40, who is going to be physically fighting?  Plus I wasn’t the one who caused the split in the family, my younger sister was, yet I’m the one not invited. I felt as though my mother should have put her foot down and told all 3 daughters that we are all welcome and all should act mature enough to be in the same room. I told my mother that I needed to just focus on myself and my daughter and she should seek assistance with her real daughters or someone else. 

I took this time to focus on myself and told myself despite how I was feeling, that I am valued and loved by my mother and sisters.  One day my mom comes over and sends her sister (my aunt) with roses to my door. I could tell she was really trying to mend things with me so I called her and thanked her for the roses. I realize now, that the roses were also an old manifestation I had tried to create many months prior when I intended to get roses brought to my doorstep (but I thought they would be from my SP).  Never would I have thought that this would be the bridge to the mending of my relationship with my sister. Now that my mother and I are on speaking terms again she asked if I’m willing to go to dinner with my younger sister present and I said yes. Well I waited for that invitation, but in the meantime I had a vacation to plan. As part of that vacation I had to meet my aunt at my mothers house to have my daughter’s hair cut.  Turns out my sister popped up on my mom on the same day.  She brought 2 out of her 3 children. She and I said hello from a distance because it was awkward, but the kids and I hugged for what seemed like 10 minutes straight. I had tears in my eyes because they were so grown. We’ve since then slowly been meeting at my moms and we speak a little more each time. The kids are so happy to be in each others lives. She even came out to have a birthday lunch for me and my sister and I hugged upon leaving the restaurant.  The old story is just that now, Old, it doesn’t cause me to get angry anymore, I am neutral. it’s insane how the bridge of events led to this manifestation. While my sister and I aren’t where we used to be, I am sure we will get there with time and I consider this a success. I feel it wasn’t working at first because I was meddling with the middle, the how it will be fixed which is not up to me. The end I was supposed to focus was the more generic piece of “my sister is good, loving and wants to mend things. God I leave it to you, I don’t know how, but you’ll fix it all. Thank you.”

Success #3 – This story is the one I want your help on.

This one isn’t fully done yet. The SP and I have had quite a few ups and downs. With every break up I learned how to love myself more. The last breakup in May I thought was for sure the end of us. The trust between us had been broken and I needed him to take certain actions to prove that he wanted to fix things. There were several things not just the break in the trust that made me feel not chosen, there was the fact that he wasn’t introducing me to his family, he would go out with his friends and never invite me to join even when it was a mix of female and male friends.  He would tell me he didn’t want to get into a fight because I’m so attractive that I can’t be taken to the ghetto bars that he frequented. Which by the way were bars I frequent when I wasn’t with him, so all this would cause me to spiral. The last straw was when the universe put us both in the same place one day. A club/party we each were attending with our own group of friends, he knew I would be there that day and I expected him to look for me and say hi and then go see his friends.  Instead I never heard from him, I was walking around and saw him chatting it up with a pretty, young female. I felt the jealousy and I walked by and waved hello. He said hi and continued to talk to the young lady.  I felt so unchosen again.  I was torturing myself trying to ignore how he was treating me in the 3D (Breadcrumbed and not chosen).  I decided to leave that very moment and leave him behind.  I wanted to feel special and the opposite was happening. I thought he would call to explain things and work it out but he didn’t. I said it’s better that way. He was younger than me and I thought that maybe he needed this as well to explore or be with others. What I didn’t realize was that I had to deal with some internal turmoil. While deciding that I would choose myself, I realized I had an issue with our age difference, I was being a person that allowed someone to treat me less than my value and I was thinking there is someone better than me or even better than him out there.  I said to myself, I choose me and I decided to fall in love with myself and treat myself like a queen so others can treat me as so, put myself on the pedestal.  It was during this time that a new SP came in and was trying hard to get me to go out with him. I gave him a chance because I said I deserve this treatment. I am going to accept love and try to trust that I am worthy of it and trust to be loved. All this while I had my bad thoughts of the old SP, finally one day I said I have to neutralize this, I have to think of the good, what I’m grateful for which was that he let me feel loved at one point. So when he popped into my head, that’s what I thought of and I would say thank you for the love and sent love his way. 

Now I start going out more and everywhere I go, I am turning heads. it’s funny I feel so special, but these guys were all wrong. I don’t feel anything for them so I ask the universe to send me my SP or better, and I tried to think of a loving, respectful, balanced, passionate relationship when I think of dating anyone. The only problem is my old SP keeps popping up in my head. I hadn’t heard from him in 3 months and that was still ok. At this point I’m ok with someone or without and I’m breaking things off with the guy that I have been talking to because I know now it’s not right with him either. I’m not settling. Then the day I’m supposed to meet with the guy I’m breaking things off with, he doesn’t show up to a party I was at, instead my ex SP shows up. This encounter is what started things up again. We began talking everyday and after we spent some time together romantically (best night ever) things are like they were before. In the past when this would happen I always assumed we were back, but not this time. I mustered the courage to ask him if this was just for fun or did he want more and i was ok either way. I was actually ok being alone. This time I felt different, a calmness to me that I never had. I was really ok either way. His response was that he isn’t ready for titles but that he does want to be exclusive. That was nice to hear. However, this was not my full manifestation to just have him be back. I still want to be treated to my new queen standard and taken out with his friends, no more excuses and meeting the family. I have dealt with the age thing and feeling like anyone is taking him away. I no longer fear that at all. I would love marriage,  maybe a healthy baby….maybe… Any advice so I don’t fall back into the old story. I find this one so much harder. I sometimes wonder is it harder to change an SP to conform to a long list of stuff or just get a new one. This SP makes my heart melt, I’m so utterly attracted to him.  If this is one you’d like to talk about in person I would greatly appreciate it. The only success here so far is I did get him back after 3 months of no contact.

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