Hi Athena!
I have been a youtube subscriber for a while now and I would love to share one of the most amazing success story in my life yet. It’s actually a story that happend before I became concious about the whole manifestation process, however, whenever I’m in doubt, I look back at this story. Even more, I have learned a lot about the law by looking at the things that happend/unfolded during this story in a perfect way.
The story is about how I got my SP over a period of 7 months. I know this will sound like a long time for most people, but it was actually perfect timing as will become clear in the story.
So, here it goes…
About 5 years ago, I was in a relationship with my ex. This is not the actual SP the story is about, but she played a significant role in the unfolding itself. We were together for 3 years at that point and around september of that year, I started at a brand new college. While our relationship was far from perfect, we loved each other a lot. The first day of college was very scaring, as I was starting as a second year student, but the day went better than expected. I met one of my old friends again who I hadn’t seen for 3 years and he decided to show me around. At lunchbreak, I was eating with him when suddenly 3 girls showed up at our table with one directly asking who I was. This turned out to become my SP, but I will get to that in the story. She is a beautifull girl, short with curly, brown hair and glasses. We shortly introduced each other and went on about our day. As we were not in the same class most of the time, I didn’t see her a lot. Nothing special happend for about 2 weeks, untill my relationship started to have more downs than ups. The connection between me and my SP grew more on the friendship side and it became very clear she and I were very compatible. One day after school, I was talking to my SP while she walked along to the parking where my girlfriend was waiting for me to pick me up. At that moment, for a moment, I thought to myself “SP is such an amazing girl, I really want her to be my girlfriend” and left it at that. I saw my gf had seen me and SP talking and laughing and I knew she was jealous as she stated “I’m going to have to be carefull, I see she is very much into you”.
Now we get to the first real obstacle I encountered in this story. At lunchbreak one day, I was sitting at the table opposite of my SP and in one of the discussions someone asked her how her date had gone the day before. I was a little upset about hearing that, but never expected the next thing, because it turned out she had a date with.. a girl. Yes, She was into girls (I have absolutely no problem with this, because I believe everyone should be and love regardless of the gender) so instantly in my mind, this made my chances practically 0%.
The next weeks, I didn’t see my SP a lot and my relationship was having ups and downs again, untill we got into a big argument and decided to take a break that lasted about 2 weeks. I didn’t understand what was actually happening at that point. We decided to try again after the break, however, the relationship was never the same again. I became closer with my SP as we were very comfortable with each other, but because of the way I felt in my relationship, I went less and less to college, resulting in almost not speaking to my SP for weeks. Sometimes, my SP and I would text each other after school, but it was very limited.
My relationship kept getting worse and despite the fact that I tried to show up to the best of my ability, the discussions kept getting worse and worse. I decided to let my SP into what was happening because I had no-one really to talk to about it and because I thought I had no chance with her anyway, it wouldn’t hurt to let her help me. The thought of stepping out of my relationship became stronger as my SP told me to do the same thing aswell, but each time, I decided to keep fighting for it, no matter how hard it got.
On new years eve, which I had spend with one of my best friends and my girlfriend, it turned out that my girlfriend cheated on me with that best friend, which resulted in the end of the relationship. The first person I thought about telling, was my SP. She was there for me during the next weeks and helped me get trough it, while our communication drastically grew. We basically texted every day and the conversations were loving, understanding and caring from her side. I started to get hope again that maybe I had might have a chance, so I tried to make her jealous. When my first ex reached out (very sudden after the breakup) and asked to start a fwb, I immediatly told my SP about it and asked her if I should do it. She told me no and gave me lots of reasons why not too. I didn’t actually intend to start a fwb, I just wanted to make my SP jealous.
A few weeks go by, my SP and I almost talking every moment of the day. We decided to spend a day together and made lots of plans. We went shopping, went to an airsoft range and we got to my parents house. She was staying the night as she didn’t live closeby and had no drivers license yet. We were in my “gaming room”, sitting on the couch and talking with some drinks and snacks. There were literally no silent moments and at all times it felt like I could be myself with her and she with me. During some very deep conversations, she told me that she believed that somewhere, there might be a guy who she could fall in love with, but I didn’t really understand what she meant at tht moment. We stayed up all night talking, literally untill my parents woke up in the morning to go to work and we decided to go to sleep. She and I layed in the same bed, but because I thought we were just friends, I did everything I could to give her room. I woke up and asked her if I accidentally hugged her during my sleep, but luckely she told me I didn’t. I brought her to the train station, where the goodby was very “strange”. She just told me “thanks” and got out off the car. I thought I must have done something wrong, so I gave her some space for a few days. When she texted me again, everything seemed to be as it was before. The next week, we were basically always together, via text or in person at school.
At college, we had an exchance week and my SP left the country during this time. Every day of this week, we facetimed for hours before going to bed and we both loved these calls. The second to last day, my SP asked me a very specific question. “How does a guy show a girl she is into her?”. I didn’t think about it as this was my chance to give her a big hint I was into her and told her all the things I did during the last weeks. She did pick up on the hint as I heard her reaction. She told me that she wanted to talk to me about something, but didn’t want to do it via phone and asked if we could talk in person when she got back. The next monday (that day was also my birthday) she told me she wanted to wait and talk later that week as I had already finished my lessons at 1 pm and she had to stay untill 5 pm, but I refused. I told her I would stay at school waiting for her in the library untill she was done and talk then. I couldn’t wait any longer. So I did, and when she was done with school, we went to a private spot (our private spot) sitting in my car. This must have been the most akward 20 minutes of our life, as she was looking out the window, turned away from me. She didn’t say a word at all an neither did I. After the long silence, I got the love confession that I knew I was going to get.
She told me everything. All the things I thought she was feeling/thinking and things that were going on in the background that I was not aware off. Basically how she had fallen for me without me even being aware that it was happening:
How from the first day I declared I wanted her to be my girlfriend, she started to seek me out at school and think about me all the time. (Showing me that movement happens instantly).
How she was talking about me when she told me that one night there would be a guy somewhere she could fall in love with.
How when other girls at school were talking about me, she would tell them to back off, because I was going to be hers.
How she had tried to push her feelings down, because she never had them for a boy before and how they grew more and more, to the point she couldn’t stop them and had to act on them.
How she couldn’t understand how I was able to lower her guard that had been up all her life.
How she tried to be understanding while patiently waiting for my relationship to break down completely.
How much she would have wanted me to hugg her during our sleep that one morning.
How she tried to stop me from having a fwb and felt really jealouse off it.
How she naturally lost interest in the girls she was dating and only had eyes for me anymore.
I can go on and on about all these things that were happening in the background, but to this day, I am still amazed.
Looking at the other side of the story and what happend with my girlfriend, I came to understand that when I declared my manifestation, the movement started to happen and this meant that my relationship had to make room for my SP to be able to come in. However, because I kept on fighting to keep the relationship going, things started to get worse. This is because I was resisting the very thing I needed to let go off. As a child, I saw the relationship of my parents with all the arguing and how it evenually ended in divorse. As a result, my mind got programmed with the believe that having arguments leads the end of relationships and this played out in the same way in my relationship.
When the relationship was gone, resistance dropped and I received my SP as my partner. It honestly happend perfectly (and in devine timing as some would say) and I wouldn’t have wanted it to happen any other way.
One last thing I want to mention, is that it is true, circumstances do not matter. My SP had been living her whole life thinking she was into girls. This would seem like a dead end for almost anyone, but she conformed to become my girlfriend against all odds. Circumstances literally do not matter and people can change.
I am so proud of telling this story and hope you enjoyed reading it aswell.
Kind regards,