How One Wish Set Off a Chain of Life Altering Events – 6K Overnight & Dream Career Manifested

Hi Athena

I hope you are well, lovely lady. This is the story of how I manifested the money for my own hypnotherapy course.

 It’s actually two-fold because it started in 2014,  when I was desperate to get out of an admin job where I felt trapped and was desperately unhappy. I ended up being off sick with stress for months. On too of this I have a debilitating illness. 

It was local government though – so not so easy to just leave and there was also a hold on recruitment. In fact they were desperate to to get rid of people. They were offering voluntary redundancy but as I had reduced my hours recently and worked part-time, I wouldn’t have much to show for 13 years of employment.

I had been trying to manifest the opportunity to leave but weeks went by and….tumbleweed. i knew that the law of attraction worked because I had manifested many things – including my first trip to the US several years before by simply stating that it would happen!

But there had been no movement in this current matter and I was beyond desperate. Then one day I just said “OK, I’m leaving this up to the universe, but please get me the hell out of here!” I’m fact what I really wanted to do was go to university! This was amplified when as part of my role, I would invigilate exams for teaching assistants who wanted to do the higher level foundation degree. I was so envious of the ones who were accepted. I did not think I had either the qualifications or money to do this though. 

A couple of weeks later. I took my sicknote into the office (as it is close to where I live) and one of the managers mentioned an enhanced offer on voluntary redundancy- but it ended in two days! This would give me an extra couple of thousand on top of my existing offer. A colleague sent the form to my private email (I couldn’t access council email from home,  which was why I wasn’t aware of this new offer).  I applied but this was in August and the decision would be made after Christmas. Had I not gone in that day, I would never have known about this! 

Now what does this have to do with hypnotherapy you ask? Well – I’m a reiki master but this alone couldn’t sustain an income, I cannot do massage therapy because of the fibromyalgia, I knew that hypnotherapy worked as I had used a hypnotherapy riding CD after an accident that I shall refer to as ‘Girl on pony vs low hanging branches’ to overcome my fear of horse riding.  I still hadn’t.had my redundancy offer accepted at this point, but I had it so fixed and determined in my mind that it would happen- that it was a done deal. 

I started looking at courses but they are – as you know – expensive. I found one that was perfect. It was in my city and was only once a month at weekends. The catch though was the price. I attended the free introductory weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. By now it was around November. I just needed to find an extra 2k so…I asked the universe and I stipulated that no-one was to be hurt I’m order to bring me the money. 

Every week I would go to bingo with my friend, at the beginning of December- the day before my MOT was due, I used some of the money that I had put aside for my car, to go to bingo. I’m not by nature a gambler, I mostly went for fun. We would always split our winnings and usually ended up with a free night out at least. Well…on this occasion, my friend won the national prize- £6000! I got half had the money to pay for my hypnotherapy course, I also had enough to buy a new TV, pay for my MOT and have a great Christmas. 

My redundancy offer was accepted, I did the hypnotherapy course. Learning hypnotherapy gave me a coping strategy for stress and anxiety and a way to boost my confidence. I also helped many other riders who had lost their confidence too.

A year later, I was doing meditation sessions and other voluntary work at the local community centre when a representative from Lifelong Learning Centre at the University of Leeds, came into the centre to talk about access to Higher education. To cut a long story short, within 6 weeks, I had signed onto the Foundation year, I then went on to do a degree in Professional Studies and last year, I completed my MA in script writing. I manifested a scholarship award to do the latter! 

There has been such synchronisity that I believe wholeheartedly that this was a chain of events set in motion from my first wish of leaving my job and getting a degree. 

I hope you were able to follow all of this, Athena. I know it’s a bit convoluted but basically 

1) I wanted to leave my job and go to uni the 

 first petition put me in the right place to hear about the extended offer for redundancy

2) bingo gave me the money to do my hypnotherapy course which would boost my income

3) This lead to my volunteering at the local community centre where I offered meditation sessions and was  on reception when the rep from Leeds uni came in. 

4) I now have 2 degrees. I just need that award winning script. Perhaps I should write one about manifesting! 

You are absolutely welcome to share this story, still working on my sp, but that’s another story! I know it’s not the right time as he’s in total hermit mode right now. I keep letting go but I’m such a day dreamer that I end up thinking about him again. It’s much less obsessive than it was originally though. I still want him, but when he’s healed from his trauma, moved on from his past etc. 

Have a fabulous week 

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