How She Manifested Contact With The ‘Impossible SP’ After 5 Yrs Silence

Hi Athena,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to say that I haven’t forgotten about you ! I am still interested in coaching but do need to get some finances in order first (so clearly money is definitely on the manifestation list ☺️) but in the meantime I wanted to share with you a success story with one of my manifestations, and thank you for the amazing teaching and most of all informed encouragement that I have received from your videos . Your videos play almost non stop and have kept me from falling off my emotional edge. 

So while my main manifestation is an SP/ex that I am creating to come back and also recreate some of the attributes he has , I have set many many other intentions that are coming to fruition left and right . I have had no observable movement yet with SP, but what happened today solidified to me once and for all, that it is coming , and soon.

As a “test” of the law , I set a manifestation to receive a text /communication from an ex boyfriend . Now this is not just any ex; this was the first love of my life , and to this day he holds the biggest space in my heart . We had a tumultuous relationship with wild ups and downs , I could write a novel about it. In any case , I have not seen nor spoke to him in at least 5 years, and he lives in Spain, while I am in the USA. For about 5 weeks or perhaps more, I have been manifesting a communication of any kind from this man. As much as I have always loved this man,

I truly had no attachment to any outcome of this, and after many many years have no resistance anymore with him. I saw on social media about a week ago that he is here , in Connecticut . I was blown away as the last time he was stateside , at least three years ago, he made no attempt to see or to speak with me . I saw this and persisted in my

Imagination , some scripting , and yes some affirming🫣🫠 (I do like to mix them all up). Well this morning , he sent me a message on Facebook messenger. And can I say it was one of the kindest , most thoughtful things this man has ever, ever said to me in 13 years , and directly reflected my overarching manifestation, that I am Unforgettable to all of my exes. I will be having lunch with him tomorrow , will get to meet his son, and learned he will be here all summer. When I tell you how impossible this was , this was , in the natural, completely impossible, as our relationship was so tumultuous and our last encounter all those years ago, rough . And now he shares with me ,

Things we did together that reflected how incredibly unforgettable I truly am.

Thank you , Athena . I will need your assistance with SP as my emotions continue to run high , and also with my financial goals as well, but I cannot express to you how important your videos have become to me . They have given me hope when I have all but run out. 

Looking forward to speaking with you soon,


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