She Manifested Her List Of Desires – (Reconnection with Friend, Car, Money, Mystical Experiences)

Hi Athena, 

I came across your channel a few weeks ago and have not stopped watching your videos since! I really appreciate that your teachings are based off your own personal experiences, and have found your approach to the laws incredibly helpful, so thank you. I was compelled to email in some of the successes I’ve experienced since discovering manifestation, to hopefully give a boost to anyone who needs it. 

I have been learning about manifestation for about 9 months now, though it did begin with a focus upon the law of attraction. I fell down the classic rabbit hole of ‘it’s all about your frequency’, being told to affirm-affirm-affirm, and that there’s some external power deciding whether you pass the positivity test to access your desires. Regardless of the contradictions I came across, I saturated my mind with all things manifestation and gradually came to the law of assumption and Neville Goddard, which resonated with me much more. 

After doing some much needed self reflection on what core beliefs weren’t serving me, I learnt how to build more confidence and belief in myself. I also started meditating; I wouldn’t say this is necessary to purposely manifest by any means, but it did help to get me into a state of deep relaxation where I could connect with my true desires. It also taught me how to surrender. I used to be fearful of things I didn’t understand, anything that was beyond our physical 3D world, even though it intrigued me. I gradually learnt through meditation, that to delve deeper, I needed to get over this fear. I didn’t need to understand. I could experience feelings that I didn’t have the language for and that was ok. I didn’t need other people to validate these sensations for me either. I found I was able to implement these same lessons into the world of manifestation; I didn’t need to understand how, and when – I just knew that my consciousness was much more powerful than I could have ever imagined – all I needed to do was set my intentions and just trust. 

Once that wall of fear started to subside, I began having what I’d call mystical experiences, visions, and manifesting random things with ease. Upon falling asleep I experienced a knocking that seemed to come from inside my head, my whole skull echoed and vibrated  – it wasn’t in my imagination – I felt it and heard it in the centre of my skull as it pulsated outwards- deafeningly loud as if everyone in my county could have heard it, but without causing me any pain. What was it? God knows. Why did it happen? I have no idea, but it was beyond any logic and I don’t have the right language to explain it.

Another thing I can’t explain – I’d be dreaming, and then it felt as if my dream would be put on pause. I’d suddenly have the sensation of being in an ‘awareness’ rather than in my dream – I would experience a scene, a random and seemingly boring one, and then all of a sudden I’d be back in my dream. The next day I would re-live that exact scene in real life, in minute detail. To give you an example, when dreaming one night, I suddenly had a phone and watched a friends instagram story of him hiking in the mountains (I didn’t even know he was away at the time), and the following afternoon he uploaded an instagram story. I re-watched the same video I had seen in my dream the night before. Weird I know, but what this proved to me is that we are all connected – I had somehow completely preempted someone’s actions to experience the same vision in my 3D.   

I started doing Joseph’s list method; writing down a list of ‘mini’ manifestations at the end of each day, as if they had already happened. I proved to myself beyond all doubt that manifestation is real. I’ll list a few here to give you an idea, alongside how they came about. I’d try and make them random so I could play around with it a little – that is something I will say, try and make it fun!…

‘I ate a curly wirly’ (for anyone who doesn’t know this is like a retro chocolate bar in the uk thats a pretty rogue/uncommon choice – no hate to the curly wirly lovers out there) – I went to a birthday party a couple of weeks later and someone had baked a chocolate cake and covered it in curly wirly’s

‘I got a free bracelet’ – a week later my mum did a clear out and gave me a bracelet she used to wear when I was little

‘I saw a scene from The Little Mermaid where Ariel is singing – the next day I walk through town, its freezing but someone walking towards me has their jacket open, showing a graphic t shirt with a huge image of Ariel singing up on the rock 

‘I received money for free’ – I get gifted £400 cash out of nowhere a couple of weeks later

‘I received a lovely hand written card’ – one of my clients sends me a surprise card in the post thanking me for all the work I did for her 

‘I made a new friend’ – the next morning I’m invited to a birthday celebration where I went on to meet lots of lovely new people  

The list goes on, and on. I’ve manifested countless free coffees, unexpected gifts, seeing specific people, great parking spaces, people saying specific things to me – I counted and its over 100 things in just over a month, which is crazy! 

Now for the bigger manifestations. I wish I could give you exact details on how I manifested some of these things but I’ve come to realise sometimes its a case of forgetting about it (which is why I think it can be tricker if its a ‘bigger manifestation’), or just believing it’s already done – there’s no exact rhyme or reason though.

My family and I have always gone to the coast in Scotland for a week in the summer every year since I was tiny. Last year I’d been told we weren’t going for a variety of reasons, and the place we stay became booked up. I decided that I was still going to go, somehow – it’s my happy place and just knew I was going. A few weeks after my mum came to me and said they’d been contacted by the accommodation to say there had been a mix up with the bookings so there was a few days free, did we want them? We ended up spontaneously going and having a brilliant time.  

One of my current manifestations is my dream car. My neighbour has the same one, and months ago I popped over to chat to hear about it, running costs etc. I remember thinking, actually my neighbours is almost exactly what I’d look for – she had said in passing that she couldn’t recommend it enough and that she’d never get rid of hers. Six months later, after never having spoken of it again, I was working and a thought popped into my head ‘I’m going to get an email from her (my neighbour) asking if I’d like to buy her car’ – I hadn’t seen her for months and had no prior knowledge of her even thinking about selling it. I didn’t think much of it, just acknowledged the thought. Two days later the email came. I didn’t even have to open it to know what it said – it was exactly what I’d thought. She had suddenly decided to sell as she was wanting to drive to Cambodia and needed a hybrid, did I want her car? I understood that I had previously set the intention then forgotten about it. I couldn’t tell you for the life of me how I predicted the email – you know when you remember something and it just comes to you? It was like that, but again it showed me that we are all connected – I knew without question it was coming – a feeling came to me – we must all be one consciousness.

After doing some healing I had decided I wanted a better relationship with my parents – it wasn’t bad at all, but I had grown apart from them a little since getting older. I threw it out into the universe and after an unpredictable bridge of incidence, communication grew hugely, old wounds began to heal through open conversation and we became closer. I didn’t need to force anything here, I just had the intention and it’s as if it all happened for me. One thing I will say is that I wasn’t focused on it at the time – I’d made the intention for the future, but in the meantime was ‘actively manifesting other things’ – thats what I think it came so easily and effortlessly for me.  

I also manifested contact with people I hadn’t heard from in a while – I’m currently on an SP journey at the moment and thought exploring the concept of manifesting action in others would help me to believe anything is possible. Every time I intended that an old friend would reach out, they did. Another thing I’ll say here is that at the time, I didn’t believe 100% that it was possible – I still had moments of doubt, but the message would always come. You don’t need to be in a ‘perfect’ state all the time to receive your manifestation.

For example, since being on more of a spiritual journey I sensed a shift with one of my good friends. I had started assuming that this friend was feeling a disconnect with me and guess what happened – my assumptions turned into reality. Nothing bad had happened at all, we just suddenly grew apart and stopped seeing each other as much – because I was assuming distance thats exactly what I saw – I had reached out a few times but something seemed different (because my assumption was!). This went on for a couple of months until I decided to change my assumption. I said that theres no distance, we’re really close and I know she’ll reach out. Two days later she messaged me asking how I’d been (she hadn’t done this for over two months), and now everything is well again. One of my favourite Neville Godard quotes is “others only echo that which we whisper to them in secret” and honestly from my experience this is so true. 

I hope to email again with more successes – all I can say through my own experience is that the best way to believe in the power of manifestation is to prove it to yourself. Don’t take anyone else’s word for it other than your own. For me, I believe now that anything is possible – the only limits to manifesting are the limits we set ourselves. Thank you so much Athena, and to Joe (what a fab power couple you guys are) for teaching me how to do this properly. How to visualise and trust the process. I’m so grateful for you creating this supportive community and I hope that we can all continue to help each other experience the magic! 

Love and best wishes xxxx

4 thoughts on “She Manifested Her List Of Desires – (Reconnection with Friend, Car, Money, Mystical Experiences)”

  1. Kelly Bishop-Fulton

    This is so helpful and encouraging. I am so grateful. We are all connected. The Law of One. I give thanks.

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