Hi Athena,
I absolutely love your youtube content, i am very happy I stumbled upon you (I remember the exact moment – someone posted your video with Josep Allai on reddit. It was your manifestation of each other, how you were attracted. It inspired me so much I jumped back on manifestation train, I suppressed it for like 10 years after having small/medium successes but big ones failed! I know about law of attraction, visualization since The Secret movie and book was released, but I laughed at it as you would if you were 14 years old. It took another 18 years to realize the truth and started using it for improve life once again!
I have watched lot of your older videos to keep positive attitude towards my “wishes” and life in general, when I felt bit down or bored at work. I am very glad that you confirmed bridge of events multiple times in success story fridays, unlike some fake gurus who have “client who manifested marriage in a week after 20 years of no contact”. Yeah that client probably married himself or some bikestand after he got a message from SP, which was actually just an invitation to some ponzi scheme. Ha Ha
I always look forward to your friday’s golden nuggets and success stories of your clients, and let me tell you some of those are pretty crazy (like the one with abortion). Since success stories of others are my favourite part of friday and they helped me a lot. I would like to share mine so people can see that you are indeed in control even if bridge of events can make it look way different. People should treat events in 3D as your “friends”, not enemies and remember that you are in control, everything else its just noise, like back in the day when we tuned radio, its all noise, you only stopped tuning once signal cleared. I see it exactly as one old chinese story, which tells you, that you never know if the situation happening is good or bad for you (I will add it to the bottom, I always think of it when 3D takes U-turn with my manifestation.
My method was law of assumption, repeated multiple times a day until I felt joy/happiness and when I felt total peace while repeating it I completely dropped it (as the let go part). Sometimes I repeated it for few minutes, sometimes just to remind myself the feeling and continue with my day.
And it worked – out of my 5 “wishes” for 2024 – 4 were fulfilled, last one takes bit more bridges of events 🙂
1, I manifested that I always get discounts on items I want to buy. This one was crazy, I never got so many discounts, promos or random coupons in my life as I did week after I affirmed this, It was after black friday week -10€ coupon on item over 30 € (the item I wanted costed 32€, even the black friday deal got extended by a week so the discount and coupon overlapped and worked, Thats 30% save on top oif initial 20% discount! They never had 10€ discount code on items over 30, usually it at least 50+€ and I even got free shipping on my 1st order as a bonus.
Similar situation few days before as I wanted to buy new graphic card for my PC during black friday, so I checked few models in one shop, found the good one for nice price, bookmarked it, told myself I would buy it tomorrow after work, just to be sure i want it. Next day at work I spoke about it with my coworker, He was very eager to check what I want to buy – he opened the shop, wrote model name in search and I notice there is also other manufacturer which had similar price, but that model had 80€ discount (20%) with “this week exclusive discount code” (it was 400€ graphic card, so huge discount). Funny isnt it? Normally I would buy it on Sunday, to have it delivered the next day, but I just felt like, I need to sleep on it.
2. I manifested to “Get unexpected 200€ in a positive helpful way (so no insurance claim or something similar as people usually do get). Friend of mine who owes me 1200 €, and pays me 70€ each month, sent me 200€ 2 days later out of nowhere, because he got some extra bonus money paid at work (bridge of events). Yeah I would love it to be fresh new money instead of part of the debt, but I got what I asked for, unexpected, helpful, positive (it made me even smile, because of funny message she attached to it – Lannisters send their regards for Game of Thrones fans out there)
3, Manifestation – To keep this one short. I wanted to go on a vacation with ex girlfriend of mine who left the country before july 2024 and she did not want to do long distance as she did not plan to return back for at least few years. Her choice and job offer, well all of it happened before I returned back to manifestation. So I know could have changed it, because it were my insecurities manifesting and weak will to change the outcome, but this probably had to happened in order for me to get back to manifesting and this time fully committed. Anyway back to the story.
She left to work in different country and she told me she is not sure if she wishes to to meet with me after her summershift ends in September – she will be back here for 3 weeks. We are still friends at this point.
My affirmation was “I am flying with xyz to Italy in September. I affirmed it for 2-3 weeks, then dropped it bit aggressively (i was literally like screw it, whatever, I don’t even feel like going on vacation at all, because life hits hard in other departments and she posted some stuff on socials, which meant she was dating. Never affirmed that again. September comes, she messages me if I want to go on vacation with her, because her two (girl)friends spent their vacation money that was my bridge of events. She even tried to find random people (girls) on one portal to go with, 3 days before contacting me. It was shown to me, because it had new comments) few hours before she contacted. Universe, you son of a…, I did not need to know I am the last resort, only because she wants on a beach!). You can imagine how angry and betrayed I felt, this was not supposed to be like this, I wanted to be the priority (my ego screamed at me), but that was my bridge of events and my affirmation was only “I am flying with her to Italy”, nothing about being priority or anything, I realized this within few minutes after being angry little chihuahua. So I cooled off, thanked the universe for granting me the wish and enjoyed those 2 weeks together.
4. Manifestation -1.5 year ago when we were a couple (with girl from previous success story), we planned to go to huge & expensive vacation on her 25th birthday, lets say to Japan as a couple, just two of us. Fast forward to this summer, we spoke about it again while being split – as she still wanted to go there and asked me if I am still interested so I said yes, so we decided to wait a bit, plan it and buy plane tickets in September. Few weeks later, she told me her best friend would definitely want to go as well as its his dream country, she has to ask him otherwise he will feel betrayed, so I said OK, but immediately affirmed that “only two of us are flying to Japan”.
She told me he is definitely going as well, even if he would have to sell his kidney (those were his words). I was like “mkay, if you say so”. Few days later she started to date someone (this is important later), we were still in contact, but I could feel change in her attitude towards me. She told him, that we will be buying tickets next week after paycheck, while they are still cheap, her friend told me to buy just 2 tickets for us, he will buy ticket for himself in 2 weeks after his paycheck arrives. 2 weeks later he said he is sorry, but he is not going, he needs to save money for his bike repair and he also just changed job 3 weeks vacation is too much. This vacation was quite expensive (almost 3 000 € per person). Mission success!
Few days passed, as she is already dating someone, suddenly, she does not want to do couple-vacation anymore with me, so she asked me again if she can invite her other good friend, because it will be cheaper if we go in 3 and he also spoke multiple times about how wanted to go to Japan, cheap excuse but ok, not gonna fight it, but damn why does it have to be always complicated? I said sure, whatever, it does not lower the cost as much, but ok. Now the issue was – this guy is rich, very rich if we would fly, he would take Business class which cost like 4000 €- anyway I kept my affirmation going for a while, having full faith, that its just 2 of us. Few weeks later, he also said he cannot go, because they had some issues at work on a project, its going to be rough month at work he cannot leave for 3 weeks because there is project launch “Thank you, bridge of events!!”. There was no one else to ask, luckily.
5. manifestation This one is in progress, hopefully I will update you very soon! I am manifesting loving romantic relationship with her. This one was/is rough. It went from almost no contact to daily messaging, then she started dating someone, had some posts on social media acting like she is 15yo girl full of hormones (for real, its not jealousy speaking, I know her for 4 years now), but it does nothing to me. No waver, no anger -I am calm water, I don’t see her new date as enemy, he is a tool for her to learn or realize something, so my wish can be fulfilled. Someone else might feel defeated, because they have intimacy, spend time together while I am alone here etc, but you never know whats happening behind the scenes. Social network is full of lies. So yes, I don’t feel anything whenever I get glimpse of their relationship, I did initially, but I let go of that thought in like 2 days, I patiently sit in the dark, waiting for bridges of events to unfold.
So the point is you never know what has to happen for your manifestation to fulfill, and plenty of times the “HOW and WHEN, is not like you imagine (more precisely its NEVER like you imagined). Just keep your head up, have faith trust the process, patiently wait, see everything as a positive event towards your goal, its just a temporary fog hiding the sun. Feel like it is already done, act like it.
Here is the chinese story I mentioned earlier, which helped me through rough times.
An old Chinese farmer saved up small amounts of money over a year to buy a new horse. Just a day after the farmer bought the horse, it ran away. His neighbour expressed grief, but the farmer himself was calm. “I hope you can get over this bad news” said the neighbor. “Good news or bad news, can’t say” replied the farmer.
The next day, the horse returned to the farmer’s house by itself, and brought another stray horse with it. “Cheer up, we’re going to multiply our farm income. That’s great news” said the farmer’s son. “Good news or bad news, can’t say” replied the farmer and carried on with his work.
A week later, the farmer took the first horse to his farm and his son took the second horse to follow his father to work. On the way, the second horse pushed the boy down and ran away. The boy’s leg was fractured badly. That evening back home, the farmer’s wife groaned “We will have to spend all our extra savings on our son’s broken leg. What a terrible news”. Once again, the farmer replied: “Good news or bad news, can’t say.”
A month later, the farmer’s King announced a war on the neighboring nation. Citing a lack of foot soldiers, the King ordered all able-bodied men in the nation to get drafted into the military without excuses. The farmer’s son was spared because of his broken leg. Later, the inexperienced soldiers got slaughtered in the war. “You are lucky that your son did not get drafted. Mine returned with severe injuries. Many have been handicapped or killed” complained the farmer’s best friend. Unabashed, the farmer responded: “Good news or bad news, can’t say”.
Love you Athena, darling <3,