I’m sitting here watching one of Joe’s videos and I was actually thinking about another manifestation I did years ago before I even knew what conscious manifesting was and it was shortly after I got married and I was at a discount store called Big Lots and I came across a dining room set that I just longed for but I think it was six or seven hundred dollars and I just did not have it so I was content with my grandmother’s dining room set and I remember looking at this dining room set at the store and kind of going into this trance I guess you could say of it being in my house and I forgot about it as quickly as I thought about it.I think it was about 9 or 10 months later I was in the Salvation Army which is of course the really poor man’s thrift store and I walked in and they’re sat the exact dining room set in pristine condition and it was there for $50 and on top of that it was a Tuesday or Wednesday where you got an additional percentage off so I got the dining room set for about $40 and also on top of that, that week my cousin just happened to be visiting with his pickup truck who was able to transport the table to my house and help my husband bring it in and set it up because it had a granite top and was very heavy. if he hadn’t been down here, i wouldn’t have been able to transport it we would have had to rent a truck. and then of course after I became aware of conscious manifesting one of my favorite manifestations was my new laundry basket which I told you about. it was in the height of covid and I wanted a second laundry basket identical to the one I already had so I went online and they were sold out because you know shipments were delayed because of the pandemic and I thought you know what it’ll come when it comes and I kind of forgot about it and about a week later I was vacuuming and all of a sudden I kind of went to this hazy visualization this laundry basket already sitting downstairs on top of my dryer and I forgot about it. it was like a two second three second visualization and it was probably two or three weeks later I was at my cleaning job at a financial office and they have their own dumpster and I went to throw out the trash from the office and I opened the lid of the dumpster and there sat the exact laundry basket I wanted in perfect condition, clean, the sticker still on it the same brand name the only difference is it was black instead of white but of course I didn’t care so I brought it home sprayed it down with bleach rinsed it off and it’s still sitting downstairs today. Also I did not tell anyone or even hint that I was looking at or wanted another laundry basket so it’s not like someone would overhear me and out of the goodness of their heart plant it I guess you could say to make it look like a free item when it was actually a gift none of that occurred I can tell you that right now LOL
Athena, you wont fricken believe this. I got a walmart order delivered. I went on the chat cuz i was dissatisfied with the $13 in produce. They refunded my entire order, and $4tip. $157 total. Its already pending credit on my card. Whats funny is not only did this happen today on my bday, but 6 weeks ago i did joes list method and 1 thing i wrote down was i get a weeks worth of free groceries. Lmao i just wanted my $13 back! Another thing i wrote down was someone gives me a free rugrats item( its a cartoon from the 90s i love and i collect some of the stuff) i had three out of the 4 figurines and for 2 yrs was longing for the chucky character and sure enough my husband walked in with it as a gift. I had re read my list a week prior to all of this. He didn’t even know i wanted it.so you can tell joe thanks lol. He can mention this crazy story if he likes, i wish to stay aynomonus just cuz my google is all connected lol💕