My Journey to Ultimate Success: How Athena Helped Me Manifest My SP, Thriving Business and True Love

The following email was shared by my client. I will link the Video as she agreed to do a real time call with me to share her story in more detail with the community

The following is the initial summary she sent me before she agreed to do the call:

Hey Athena! I am so excited to be a part of your discord server & work with you again in the future. It has been sometime & I wish I shared this with you sooner! Thank you so much for everything you’ve helped me with! 

In February 2023, I met Athena. At the time, I was somewhat familiar with the law of assumption but didn’t fully understand how to harness it. Our initial meeting was sparked by my desire to manifest an old specific person (SP). What began as a first session turned into a profound and meaningful conversation where we explored my past—deeper than I ever had before. Through this process, it became clear that I didn’t truly know myself or what I genuinely wanted to manifest in my life.

Athena guided me through a hypnosis session specifically aimed at healing childhood trauma and anxious attachment. That experience was transformative and changed everything for me. It allowed me to release old patterns and emotional blocks that I hadn’t realized were holding me back. From this newfound clarity, Athena and I set three ambitious goals, each seemingly unachievable at the time. One of those goals was something as big as going to Disney World. I couldn’t believe it, but we were set on making the impossible possible. To my amazement, everything we initially set out to accomplish manifested within the next few months. I even ended up reconnecting with my old SP, which initially felt like a huge win.

However, through the ongoing personal growth, I came to realize that my old SP wasn’t what I truly desired. The work we did together allowed me to grow and understand myself on a much deeper level, shifting my priorities and desires in the process.

Flash forward to now—I wasn’t even looking for a relationship after my old sp; I was focused on furthering my career and planning to move out of town. But then, my partner appeared seemingly out of thin air. He is everything I have ever dreamed of in a partner, and I honestly don’t feel like I could fully enjoy this relationship without Athena’s help. Even though my partner and I are long-distance, I know this is only temporary, and things will change very soon. Even now, I still experience triggers, sometimes connected to childhood trauma, but thanks to what I learned from Athena, I am now able to go in and shift/change those unwanted experiences whenever they occur.

I am going to continue to work with Athena, even if it’s just for an outside perspective, because anything is truly possible, and you are full of the love you want. This journey wasn’t just about manifesting specific outcomes but about discovering myself and aligning with what I genuinely want. The transformation I experienced through Athena’s guidance, especially the beginning the journey of healing my childhood trauma, not only brought my goals to fruition but also led me to the love and fulfillment I didn’t know that I truly deserved. 

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