My SP Story at the Tower Bridge

Hi Athena,

How are you?

I follow you on YouTube and I’m writing you this email because when I left a message on a post of yours with a beautiful pic of you and Joseph at the Tower Bridge, I mentioned in that post that my 1st time at the Tower Bridge was full of serendipities and I had a magical manifestation with an SP and you asked me to tell you more. Here I am!

I live in the northeast of France, in a department called Alsace and I work with IT in an international company. Every day going to work I pass by the airport of Strasbourg and in one of those mornings going to work when the train stopped by the airport I looked through the window and saw an airplane taking off. Just by watching the airplane, I was feeling that thrill of being in an airplane while it’s taking off I thought to myself: “I wish I could travel, but I don’t have enough money to pay the plane ticket + accommodations… I wish there could be a business trip to somewhere I could visit for through work…”

A few days later my boss let me know that the end of Windows 7 support was approaching, the whole parc should be migrated into Windows 10 and my colleague from London would need help. He said he’d like me to go and even mentioned that if I wanted to take some days off to enjoy London, I could – if I could pay hotel/food during my days off, as the tickets would be included in the business trip expenses!

Well, I took only a couple of days off before my workings days and I visited London on foot just following my “internal guidance”, no maps or GPS, only my intuition and I had a blast!

Then, when I met my colleague, he asked me if I had visited the Tower Bridge and I said “no idea, perhaps, I don’t know the names of all the places I’ve been to” and then he said: “Even if you did during the day, you must go to the Tower Bridge at night, it’s the most magical place to be in, I’m sure you’ll love it! You MUST go the Tower Bridge at night!!”

But during the entire week I was too tired to explore London after work and see what this “damn Tower” had of so special that he was insisting every day.

Then one day before I left, we were working in Rainham which is a bit far from London, but he said “today even if we don’t finish our work, we’ll leave earlier so that you can go to the Tower, I’m so sure you’ll love it, you HAVE to go there!”

And we did. I arrived at the station, it was already dark and I was looking for the direction of the Tower when all the sudden something started “calling me on my right side”. When I looked to the right, I saw a wall with bright light stones, and it was like if the wall started “unveiling itself to me”, because I noticed it was the wall of a fortress or a castle! I was already so excited, I love castles, that I completely forgot the Tower Bridge! Then I started searching for the best spot to take a great picture of this castle but everytime there was something covering a part of the castle and I moved a bit more to the side and a bit more when all the sudden something started “calling me on my left side” and at this moment I almost dropped my phone. It was the perfect orchestration of the universe, there she was, this amazing Tower Bridge shining bright on my left and in my earphones a medieval song (Blackmore’s night – Mond Tanz at the exact 0:58) had just started playing – what gave the most perfect soundtrack to that moment!I moved towards the tower in the rhythm of the song, completely mesmerized, shivering all over and with tears in my eyes while I was saying “WOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!! (I still get shivers and tears when I remember this moment)
The tower has 6 “pillars” with a kind of “porch” that allows us to have a sight of the city, right? When I got to the first one, I “saw” a message coming through from my SP, we were chatting and that vision was so real that I took my phone to check if the message was really there, but unfortunately, it wasn’t. It was just a “vision” of something I did want. That made me realize how I wanted to share that moment with him, it has been so much fun!
Then of course, focusing on the lack of the message, I started feeling sad – what felt a huge contrast to that high vibe I was in a few seconds before! Then I looked around, and I remembered that perhaps I’d never be there again! I couldn’t waste that moment, not even due to my SP! And off I went back to that high vibe again! Athena, I was giggling, chuckling, that night got forever marked in my mind and heart!
When I finally decided to come back to the hotel, my phone battery was almost empty, I was listening to music while I was waiting for the circle line underground, but something was feeling off, I couldn’t find the perfect song to match that moment! As I had already skipped a bunch of songs only with the headset control, I decided to grab my phone to select a nice song, and guess what was on the screen of my phone when I took it?! Exactly! A message from my SP!!!
But of course, in the underground, there was no network signal, and I wanted to answer him, so I left the station: still no signal. At that moment I was so excited that I forgot about the tower and my vision of us chatting in one of its “pillars”! My focus was to find a place with a network signal to answer my SP!! When I got in front of the tower, the signal was finally back, but guess what? The battery of my phone ran out completely and I had to grab my power bank – stuck somewhere in my backpack! As I couldn’t put my hands on the power bank while I was walking, I left the backpack on one of the “porches” from the tower and when I finally had enough power to answer the message, that we were chatting and I was telling him how amazing this evening was being, I looked around and guess what? HECK YEAH! I was EXACTLY where I saw myself chatting with him!!! 
That night my higher self taught me three great lessons: 1) we should always follow our joy, no matter what; 2) sadness is a choice and 3) the best “creators” are the laziest ones, in other words, we don’t need technics to manifest. We just need to get in alignment (and we get there following our joy) and the technique gets to us! 
Sorry for the huge email, as I said, this trip was full of serendipities, and I adore recalling this trip, even if nowadays my SP is not the same guy from this evening anymore!
Hope you’ll get the thrills I get every time I think of this day! I adore your work!Cheers!

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