No Contact, No Movement, Not Interested To SP Success!

Hi Athena

Here is my success story. It’s really exciting to be able to write this out to you now. I am like some people who have shared their success and have said The parts of the achievement was to have a success story for you. I always imagined that I would be sharing my success story. I said to you that one day I would be a success story .  I am next….i did believe this to be true.

So I will try to keep this short. About two years ago I discovered the law of attraction. I didn’t understand it too well at this time, but I had come across this idea that you can write a letter to the universe about what you want. At this time, I had been single for 5 years, and I was not enjoying being alone anymore. I wanted to settle down. I wanted to have family and I was getting older and this was only going to get harder for me. The reason I stay single for so long is because of my past. I had very abusive ex partners. This gave me a bad concept of men and relationships, and I was afraid to get with someone else because of this. But the more time that goes, the more I can hope again for maybe someone different. My Letter had a lot of details. My husband to be is tall with blonde hair and he loves to treat me well. We have wonderful communication. He respects me and loves to go out…he is proud of me and things like this. He has his own business. He loves The same things as me and I add many other things to this letter. I did not write it to manifest, but because I love how it made me feel to think about this wonderful dream man who can treat me like a princess and for a moment, as I was writing it and reading it, I could be there and have this experience.  This lovely daydream. 

About three months later, my friend invites me to her house to celebrate her engagement. At the party, I see this handsome blonde tall Gentlemen, who is friends of her brother. I never see him before and I. Keep catching his eye and smiling at him. I had no confidence to speak to him. But I told my friend about how I think he is handsome.

And she told me she would go and speak with him. 

 Anyway, we speak at the party. And he is very nice, very friendly. And I think that may be we can have something so at the end of the party I ask my friend if she can maybe find out if this guy would like me. She talks to him and we share our numbers. We were messaging with each other and it felt nice. He was not only beautiful but intelligent and successful with his work at the same time. I didn’t realise that he was the man in my letter to the universe until later. Because I completely forgot about it, but when I realized I knew that I had to make this work. However, I was insecure and started to worry. My belief is always The good men who I like do not want me and I really liked him so maybe he would not want me. And everyday I liked him more and more and because of this, I became convinced that he would not like me. I asked him 1 day if he would like to maybe go for drink, go for date because we would friendly text with each other but he was not making clear what he felt for me. So I take control out of my fears and see if I can get a date.

And he was nice and polite but express to me that he had no interest in me in that way. He liked me as a friend and loved talking to me. He was curious about our friendship, but he’s not interested and does not find me attractive as a girlfriend. 

Of course I was very upset and confused. How can my future husband in my letter to the universe not be him? He seemed to fit the story very well…did I get this wrong. In my heart I wanted him and I knew but I was so confused.  If he doesn’t like me if he isn’t attracted to me then what can I do…I cannot change such things. This is what I thought.

So I  find out more about the law and I see all these videos telling me I can change this. I do all these techniques and I am rampaging my affirmations, all day I am doing this and I do meditations and I continue to speak with him but I am always sending him the messages first. Now he is getting more silent with his replies and I more desperate. It seems the more I was doing, the more techniques and affirmations i tried the further he was getting away from me. 

I wanted to know what I was doing wrong. And that is why I find Athena, and her warm nature. I knew that she would understand me and I was right. I had many limiting beliefs and because my last experience with men was not good. I had problems to trust men. I had worries about myself. And believes that good men would not love me. 

I had a lot of pain from my childhood and I did not know at this time, but this pain caused me health issues for many years. As a child, I didn’t feel like I was heard, I didn’t feel like I could speak my opinions. I was ignored by my father and it was very painful. As an adult, I find myself all the time having problems with my throat it would be so it would be hard to swallow and a lot of times it just felt like there was this pressure that would affect my voice. 

I did not know everything was linked, but Athena used the power of manifestation and hypnosis. Hypnosis change something in me and I felt the pain, leaving my throat. I had gone doctors so many times had so many scans and medications in the years, but I was always told there was nothing physically wrong yet the pain remained. After the hypnosis, I felt a bit better. I felt a bit of relief and then in coming weeks to now to this day months later…I am pain free. I don’t feel the pressure in my neck or my throat anymore.

This was one miracle that I manifest. Now for my SP  we looked into my beliefs and we change them. We looked into my imagination and she made me see a new reality where I was with my dream husband from my letter to the universe. She also asked me to work more on my letter. I did not talk enough about the relationship to make sure that I don’t have to worry to make sure that this person under this situation was different from all my others. So I change my letter and it is important to saY THAT MY LETTER was not about SP but I still thought it would be anyone in the universe. This helps me to not be too obsessed with SP. and I imagine what my life is like to be in that place of safety and love. I also used Athena’s hypnosis on youtube to help me. Every day I felt I was changing. My SP now stop talking to me, but I was not worried. I did not feel like I lost him or anything. I was very happy in my new health. And I knew that I would have my marriage and I would have my family. It doesn’t matter about my age. It doesn’t matter about my past. It doesn’t matter about my current 3D.  

I move on with my life and I take SP off the pedestal…, I date a couple of men. And it helps with my confidence, but they are not the man in my letter. They are not my husband. I also did not think my SP was the only man for me and this helped me to have less attachment. I let myself think of all the possibilities of everyone I could have that would fit my letter. My SP seemed perfect but there is imperfection…there is problem. My husband in my letter loves me and loves to be with me and this was not my SP so maybe SP will change or maybe someone else better will come.

I forgot to say but I also did the Hypnosis about Revision and I Revised what my SP said to me about not being interested or attracted to me like a girlfriend. I changed it so he compliments me and says he thinks I am attractive. This helped me so in my eyes I don’t think of him as someone who is not finding me attractive.

It seems like nothing was happening for many months But like we all know, things are always happening. 

Many months later, my friend has A gathering and my specific person is there. We speak like everything is OK and I feel a bit nervous but I am too busy having a good time with my friends to focus on the Rejection. In fact, what is strange is that when I see him I feel comfortable like I already know him very well. And that is not because we were talking on text for a while…. I mean, I really felt like I knew him like we have been in a relationship even though we never had. I can’t describe exactly. My english is not perfect but I hope you will understand what I mean. Because I feel so comfortable with him like this in my mind.I wasn’t chasing him and I wasn’t trying to talk to him. 

We leave the party and I say Goodbye. I am polite, but I have no expectation. A week later, I get a message from my SP I didn’t know it was him at first. The number was not the same, and he said to me that he had lost his phone and he had to get a new number. And he had lost my contact. He also said if I would like to meet for coffee. 

I think that he means like friends and I am happy we are in contact so I say to him. Okay, and we meet for coffee and we talk.  He complimented me and tells me I look attractive. He said he always missed talking to me and liked how we have so much in common.

We speak more regularly, not just text, but now we are phoning and we are spending a long time on the calls. I am so excited I tell athena how things are changing. In my mind, I did not focus on what he has said before. I did not focus that he said he wasn’t attracted to me. I did not focus that he went quiet. All the fear and the anxiety and insecurity. I knew from my imagination the things would be different. 

Anyway, we slowly become more like friends and then things progress. He would take me out for dinner and treat me like a traditional gentleman. Just like how I always wanted. Just like my letter to the universe. The more time is passing, the more I see he is Fulfilling my letter. Some days he goes quiet and I don’t let myself spiral, but I choose to see how much effort he has been making so far. 

Today, we are dating and I see more and more how he is the man in my letters. The fact that in the beginning. He tells me he is not attracted to me was painful but I see now It was a good thing because if he didn’t do that I wouldn’t learn about the law so much. I wouldn’t at the coaching that helped me to heal my health which was so important to me.  I wouldn’t have learnt about changing my beliefs. Doing this helped me not only with SP but more important than this…helped me with my happiness in my life every day. It is not nice to have these negative beliefs and so I feel so free and I see people chaging all around me. Showing me that I am loved and chosen because I believe something new about myself. Even my job they are hearing me they are taking me seriously and even gave me a promotion. I felt heard…I am heard now…I have my voice back. It is amazing.

Now I am in a stronger position to be in a healthy relationship. And my s p had a lot in his life. At that time when he stopped talking to me, I did not know He had just lost his father. And that is why he went quiet.  He was not looking for a relationship. He was just not feeling good in general. For anyone who is in the same situation. And your specific person says they don’t feel anything for you or they go quiet. They ghost you. They don’t show interest, do not worry 

I have seen now how so much is happening which I didn’t know. You don’t have to do anything to make it happen. I can see that now. It is clear. Convince yourself in your imagination that you have it. Already. I felt it inside me when I see him again. It was like he and I had already been in that relationship. Even though we had been in, no contact and had never been in a relationship. I just felt a very warm piece inside me. 

Thank you Athena, and thank you everybody who stay to listen to my story. And I hope it makes you happy and it gives you strength in your journey to finding love and happiness, which all of you deserve. 

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