Overcoming PTSD Through Manifestation

Hi Athena, 

As I said I would here’s my success story on healing my PTSD.

So I want too start off by just creating a picture for you all of what it was like for me living with PTSD so 9 years I have suffered with debilitating flashbacks, that had put me in a place of limitation, depression and anxiety. I felt completely trapped and hopeless. I was unable to live life without being in fear and waiting for the next trigger too send me off, there for I created a bubble where I didn’t leave the house, because it was safe there I was in control and knew there wasn’t anyone about too say some of my trigger words, I spent nine years watching the same tv series and films over and over again because I knew what to expect. Imagine that! It was like being in a time loop where everything around me was going around in circles and on repeat but this was my normal. Living in complete darkness where I will say there were a few attempts on my life over this 9 year period I was in a constant battle with my own thoughts and looking for a way out, the pain I felt was near enough unbearable I was bound by the beliefs that this was it, it couldn’t get better for me and I had to just accept this. Over many years I had tried several types of therapy that just did nothing for me, my PTSD was that bad that I would automatically dissociate, and have a flashback, I was told by several professionals that this is something that is now just apart of me and that it was for life basically. So there’s no surprise that I had this belief right, with everything I heard and the daily struggles I faced. Now you have more of a picture of the before let me tell you now about what changed for me. Last year I fell in love but my relationship wasn’t what I wanted it too be nothing too do with the other person but me.Im not going too speak too much about this relationship because that’s a different story. However it was the first time in my life that I sow more for myself a better future, I had this picture of how I wanted the relationship too be, and how I wanted too be, I wanted more, I wanted too go out and not be triggered, I wanted not too be having flashbacks and lying on the floor in the middle of the street, I wanted too feel free from limitations and be able too enjoy my life. I was trying so hard too be the person I now know I am away from the barriers the real me behind all of this, but no matter what I did I couldn’t fully be her, my relationship was affected, I was affected, I didn’t feel good enough. The relationship broke down not what I wanted at all or chose . Anyway It got too the point after the breakup that I felt my soul was screaming at me, I had enough I was sick of my own shit basically, I was sick of being this version of myself. I didn’t want too be living this way anymore single or in a relationship, I came too a cross roads, route A or B. Thankfully I choose route A, so from the beginning of this year I started a journey, I was only just learning about the law of assumption I didn’t know a lot at all about being a creator and in fact it wasn’t until afterwards in a conversation with Athena that I realised what I had actually done and how I used it. Forgiveness and guilt was a massive part of my emotions relating too my trauma, and in February I came across this lady on TikTok who I felt instantly drawn too she said she had a way of taking the emotions that were stuck in my body away, 9 years so it was very stuck but she did. From there I started too look at my inner child and teen. As when the trauma happened I was 15 so I still was thinking from that perspective of a 15 year old and living through that trauma as her. As one of my barriers too me healing was feeling deserving of healing, guilt and forgiveness. So I did meditations where I would speak too my inner child and teenage self and learnt a lot through doing this. How I perceived the world people around me and myself, past experiences, law of assumption right there right. I would speak too her from me now, and I found this very helpful too acknowledge myself and how I felt at that age, then I worked on letting go and seeing things now through the eyes of an adult a wiser me but never taking away from the things I had experienced in life and the pain I felt, but gave myself compassion and love and understanding. Through doing this It brought down these barriers slowly and gave myself an opening too work with myself better, too heal my trauma, and I then decided that the child in me deserved this the teen in me did too and I was now the person who would give them that. I imagined telling my inner child that she’s safe with me that I have her back and it’s now my responsibility too look after her and protect her not the other way round. I gave her the reassure and told her things I wished I felt as a child but experienced it in the now. With this I was changing my relationship with myself, and this lead too me working on giving a different story too words that would trigger me, with my psychologist, I didn’t have too view the word woodland one of my trigger words, as meaning something bad is going too happen, and only bad happens there. One by one I gave new meanings too words that would trigger me, I gave new assumptions of what they meant too me. I gave broad meanings, generalised them. For example woodland is a exciting place for a dog too explore. something so simple but holds a different meaning and gave me a different vision, also gives less power too the word. I wrote all of them down and would reread them too just remind myself of the new story. I had an end goal and vision of what it would look like when I’m healed, so I would imagine this scene in my head over and over, something that I haven’t been able too do for 9 years, but if I imagined it it would suggest that I am healed. So even though I couldn’t do it in the 3D I started practising taking myself there in my mind knowing that I’m safe and I can take it slow and if I need too stop imagining I can I’m in control of it. So I did this daily for three weeks, staying there longer, and making it more and more vivid, and feeling the sense of success while doing it, even seeing myself at the end fist bumping the air and saying yes I did it haha. Too the point after three weeks I was like no more waiting I’m ready. I remember ringing my psychologist and telling her I want too go and do this and her saying you came too this quickly you said only three weeks ago that you reckon it would take a long time before you would be able too do this, but neither the less I believed, I had all ready lived it so I knew that nothing was going too stop me doing this. So following week we did it together and I tell you what it felt even better then when I imagined it but I wasn’t prepared for how peaceful I would feel too that extent, but one thing I can say is it felt natural too me doing it, which is how also I knew I embodied the healed version of me. So the journey it self wasn’t over night, it was a six month journey, and I’m still working on strengthening my beliefs but not because I need too but just because I want it too be something that is set in stone. I have been discharged from Psychology now. So too anyone who this can relate too I want you too know even when all odds feel against you, anything is possible and you have more power than you know, you hold the key, and with the law on your side and your high self there is nothing you can’t do, even when it’s been the longest time. Trust yourself, and believe in yourself. Something that I have never done in my life until now. Hold your vision and persist in it, If me sharing this inspires or helps one person ill be over the moon. My little message for everyone is In the darkness seek out the light, you have the light within you. Thank you Athena for asking me too share my story. Loads of love too you all.

1 thought on “Overcoming PTSD Through Manifestation”

  1. Dear “Overcoming PTSD Through Manifestation”,

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. It is so inspiring and has given me motivation and belief and faith that I too would reach my healthier and new upgraded version of myself. I am so proud and happy for you as it is such a huge achievement.
    I can relate so much to your story. My life was on repeat as well. It was not until the last recent “episode” that I realized that I needed to change, and not take part in the usual repetitive response (as I would do many, many, many times before). I also had no choice too as my body was crying out for medical attention. Something inside moved me, and I listened and followed.
    I’m responding because you have given me a huge part of a missing puzzle. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought and done it, but perhaps it was because I was attending to other parts of my healing that I forgot to, and that is the visual of what it would look like at the end. I just said it in words and wrote it down but didn’t think of how it would visually look like. So, THANK YOU! I am going to do that. After all, it is the most important part and point of doing this work:)
    Again, thank you, and may you receive all your desires easily and effortlessly:)

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