She Had Unlocked The Power Of Manifestation

Hi Athena, You asked me to write down some of my manifestations so here are some of them. 

I first started to purposely manifest many decades ago after reading books on the power of our minds.  I was about 19.  The first purposeful manifestation was aimed at getting a man to call me that I knew from work.  I was going to college full time and also working.  I had wanted him to call me for almost two years.  I sat down one afternoon and focused intently on hearing the phone ring, knowing it was him calling.  Several minutes after finishing this experiment the phone rang and it was him.  It was fun to go out on a date with him but he was not my person no matter how good he looked, and he looked great.  I did not try to influence anyone like this again.  It did not feel natural and I wanted someone who wanted me on his own initiative.  However, this absolutely confirmed to me the power of my mind to influence others.  A couple of years later I decided I wanted to be married.  I had never wanted this growing up but realized I did not want to travel through life solo.  So I looked up to the sky and announced to God, “I’m ready to get married and here is the list”.  I listed five things.   1. Honesty.  I felt it was the basis for a relationship.  2.  Someone with confidence that would not be intimidated by me or others.  3.  Someone who was intelligent and knew how to laugh.  4. Someone who was not a ‘couch potato’.  5.  A family man who could care about relationships deeply. He showed up about 5 days later, in the fall of 1971.  

I owned a couple of businesses before I became an RN at age 48.  One of the businesses was selling plants and flowers to the retail trade and also wholesale to furniture stores.  I had recently cut out a picture of a beautiful armoire I loved.  A short time later I walked into a furniture store to deliver some centerpieces and the exact armoire sat in front of me.  The owner of the store noticed me looking at it.  He insisted I buy it by giving me a 75% markdown and trading the rest of the money in flowers.  He also did the same thing with the matching dining table and chairs.  Also an end table and a coffee table.  

 The following year I ordered a ‘Thomasville’ bedroom set from another furniture store I serviced.  It usually takes 12-16 weeks after you order furniture for it to be made and then shipped from back east (eastern part of the USA…I’m in California).  However, they informed me later that it was going to take a lot longer because the company shut down for many weeks during the holidays and would not start up again till sometime after the New Year.  I sat down after the phone call and focused on hearing them tell me my furniture had come.   About 3 or 4 weeks later I received a phone call from the owner of the furniture store.  I still remember what she said.  ” We are all standing here with our mouths open.  Your furniture is here”.  

Although I was very successful at manifesting, I used the tools very little as I grew older.  I just let determination get me where I wanted to go.  I think it was because life was so full of events, it seemed easier to push through.  This worked until it didn’t.  I let many dramas accumulate until anxiety and fear began to take over a few years ago.  It became difficult to focus.  Drama’s are cumulative unless you deal with them and not just push through.  Also, I knew that to focus on my many dreams and help others it would need to come from a stable emotional platform within me, lest I bring forth a Frankenstein monster of a dream.  So I have used little techniques to help me focus and overcome my deep anxiety.  Sometimes I would write down a sentence or two over and over for a few days ending up with pages but I felt it would happen and they did.  Sometimes it was just a matra/affirmation that I am safe and the universe is working for me.  Resisting fear does not work, it amplifies it.  Neville said ‘Transformation is a journey, not a destination’.  As I have regained my trust and faith in the workings of the universe I now recognize a deeper meaning to what was said in the Bible:  Jesus said, “What I’m about to tell you is true. You need to change and become like little children. If you don’t, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven“.  And he said the kingdom is within us.  And that is why it was so easy for me to manifest when I was very young.  I had complete faith in my actions and my ability to overcome obstacles.  

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