She Manifested Her Dream Job Despite No Experience

Hii Athena, wanted to share a little job manifestation story with you. I don’t know how to simplify stories so stick with me. I am on my sp journey but this is something that I chose to manifest as a way to test and prove the law to myself once again.
My journey started last year and took a bit of an unfolding. There is this store in our city that ‘s really expensive and all the employees dress fancy which is something that I really like so I always had this desire to work there because I lovee dressing up and I am a big fashion lover so this sounded perfect for me, plus you are a sales assistant so you basically get to dress people up for special events. It’s similar to designer stores. Last year whenever I passed by this store I thought to myself “I wanna work here” but I never actually applied because I was scared that they would not hire me because I had no experience working in such expensive stores and experience was needed. So I kind of dropped the idea and found another job where I worked for about 10 months. At the beginning everything looked good at this job but as time went by the employers started getting toxic, I had only one break even though I worked for more than eight hours and they were basically using me. So I got fed up and I decided that this is not what I want. I was still working at this place because I obviously needed the money but I was feeling anxious everytime I entered the building. (Also the third party in my relationship manifestation works in the same building so imagine how fun it was to see her almost everyday☹).
I applied to a few jobs but nobody answered my emails and none of those jobs sounded like something I would happily do.

So one day I went shopping with my friend and I started randomly looking for places that are hiring and I saw that this store where I wanted to work was hiring. My friend then came in as my messenger I guess and told me that I should just go in there and ask if they still need someone. So that’s what I did and they asked me all the basic questions that you get asked and said that I should send in my resume. That’s where I started to get a little anxious because employers usually never answer emails but I calmed myself down and imagined receiving a phone call from them inviting me for an interview. At this point I didn’t care about not having experience, it’s like I forgot about that and just went in there. The next day they called me so I went in for an interview, I wasn’t extremely satisfied with my answers but I disregarded that and decided that it doesn’t matter, I am getting the job. They said that they were gonna call me by Friday so I went home and before falling asleep I visualised myself in that store, talking to customers and offering fashion advice to really feel myself there(as Athena always says “what would it feel like?”)
I did that a few times and then fell asleep. The next day(Friday) I was waiting for them to call me and they didn’t but whenever I started having doubts I reassured myself with “the job is yours, they are gonna call.” Soo of course they called me a day later(on Saturday) and I was obviously accepted. That’s basically the story, I did it all with imagination, the fact that I never worked in such a store obviously didn’t matter because circumstances don’t matter and it fulfilled all of my expectations. Later I realized that my bridge made sense and I needed to work at the other place because if I hadn’t I would probably never apply to the one that I actually wanted.
Hopefully soon I will share my sp success story and I am testing the law everyday which is the best way to prove it to yourself.

Lots of love. ❤

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