Skeptic to Believer: Manifesting Love Through Thought Transmission

Hi Athena,

You always knew I’d succeed, and you were right. Reflecting on the past year, I’ve seen so much change, and maybe my story will help others. The least I can do is share it and hope it inspires someone.

A bit about me: I followed Athena’s channel over a year ago, completely new to the law of assumption. Just to be clear, I’m a skeptical, no-nonsense kind of guy. Initially, I joined Athena’s TikTok and eventually her YouTube because I had a crush on her. I used to join her live sessions on TikTok because they were relaxing and I enjoyed her energy. Over time, I started to listen more and absorb what she was teaching. At first, I had a wall up due to my logical, practical approach to life. I guess that’s normal for many people, but I was particularly stubborn and not into the whole “woo-woo” spiritual stuff.

Months went by, and I was still missing my ex. It had been two years since we split up. I realized I was learning a lot from Athena and other channels too. I thought, why not see if I could manifest her back? Why not put this to the test?

I watched videos on manifesting a specific person, but some techniques seemed nonsensical to me. Although Athena and I never had one-on-one coaching, her live sessions made me feel hopeful. I never thought about manifesting my ex back after the breakup; I was just adjusting to my new life without her. She was adamant about our incompatibility, so my logical brain accepted it as the end.

But something in me couldn’t let go just yet. With nothing to lose, I gave it a try. Athena would perform hypnosis on her TikTok lives, and I participated. I refused to do the crazy techniques, affirm all day, or script constantly. That just wasn’t my style.

Athena calls herself a lazy manifester, and I relate to that. I enjoy hypnosis because it helps me become more present and clear about what I want. Then, I dropped it and didn’t think about it again. Sure, I had thoughts about her during the day, but nothing obsessive.

Unintentionally, I started having inner conversations with her. Initially, they were arguments in my mind, but after a few hypnosis sessions, they changed to more loving and forgiving conversations. I even had sweet dreams about her.

I didn’t talk to her with the intention of influencing her thoughts; it was just natural. I heard her say things she normally wouldn’t, being more open and affectionate. Time passed, and although my day-to-day life remained the same, I felt better inside. I had thoughts that she might be missing me too.

One day, I received a package for her in the mail, even though she hadn’t lived at my address for a long time. I saw this as a sign. Naturally, I set it aside, assuming I would see her again to give it to her.

Weeks later, she reaches out, realizing I had her package and that she hadn’t updated the details on her Etsy account. She said she’d been thinking about me and missing me. Everything I had been thinking and imagining seemed to be reflected in our conversation. She asked to come over to retrieve her package and to talk.

When she came over, it felt like no time had passed between us…its like we were together only yesterday. We talked, and it was comfortable and normal. I wasn’t anxious. I wasn’t worried about her picking up the package and leaving again. I felt unlimited in my approach to love. What helped me here was the fact that I wasn’t making her the answer to all my prayers. I was open to anything and anyone. I mean yes I wanted her I missed her I imagined her but same time I felt detached from it I didn’t need it to be her as long as I felt what I felt in imagination with someone in real life then damn right I would be happy and consider myself a success. So this really helped me take her off the pedestal so to speak.

She admitted she’d been thinking about me for a long time and felt safe enough to come forward. Much of what she said mirrored my inner conversations with her. Its like she was reading my mind or reflecting my thoughts. Even some insane stuff we were talking about. There was a conversation I was having with her internally once just something random about Anime (yes we are a little nerdy) and she even brought that up reminding me of when we watched Pom Poko and the laughs we had. It was so specific. I always felt she and I were on the same wavelength and had a lot of the same thoughts so I don’t know if this is why I got this reflected and the inner conversations helped but honestly I was blown away.  I lost a lot of my skepticism after that conversation

 Things are progressing now. She hasn’t moved back in yet, but that’s fine with me. I know it’s unfolding perfectly.

I get it now; I understand the law of assumption on many levels and I will no doubt continue to learn. Thank you, Athena, for your wonderful content and free hypnosis sessions. My message to everyone is to do this for yourself with an open mind. See yourself living the life you want right now, even if your current reality is quiet. My reality was quiet, but as it turns out, a lot was happening behind the scenes.

Also don’t be too serious with it all. I had no method or structure…no routine just getting on with my life knowing I had changed and my world was changing with me.

Best to you all ,

1 thought on “Skeptic to Believer: Manifesting Love Through Thought Transmission”

  1. Hi Athena, once I read something about the golden rule by neville goddard. I totally agree when he says that we shouldn’t wish bad for others, but it triggered me when I read that if the subconscious mind of the other perspn doesn’t accept our affirmations it won’t manifest. It goes against eiypo, doesn’t it? Because eiypo says that everyone is a reflection of our inner world, while golden rule says the exact opposite. Actually, sometimes I thought something about a person, and this got back to me. How to interpret it? I’m afraid I’ll fail manifesting my sp

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