The Astonishing Results of Passive Imagining: A Taylor Swift Tale

Hi Athena and Joseph,

I have been watching both of you independently of each other for over a year.   I started a while back listening to Joseph and doing the List method.  I enjoyed watching things on my list appearing and I have also been listening to Athena for about a year and enjoy all Ive learned. Now I watch you both together, and I have been tremendously encouraged by both of you.

I want to share a success story that was manifested ( without really trying) for my adult kids, my son and daughter, both in their thirties.  I never really thought I’m going to do this technique or that technique, what I did was effortless, more of a carefree imaginal act, that I did whenever I had a spare few minutes.  The thing is I just did it because it was fun, I didn’t even realize at the time I was doing this to manifest an outcome. 

I will mention that I live with my kids  in a condo that they own together.  In fact they are in the habit of asking me to agree with them in prayer for their desires.   I said to them just believe it will happen and you will go to the concert.

So here goes the amazing story of the manifestation.  My kids are huge Taylor Swift fans, they are considered Swifties.    Being Swifties, they were trusting that somehow they would get tickets to the Taylor Swift Eras Tour concert.   I’m not sure if you are familiar how Taylor Swift tickets are sold.   Once a concert date is announced, you  go on the site to purchase tickets and fill out a form.   The ticket retailer would then ask you to fill out your information and they will inform you if your name was drawn.  So really  it’s like a lottery, If drawn you would be sent a code to purchase tickets.

Since the first Concert in March 2023, they tried to purchase tickets, with no success.  They had several friends and even family members trying to get a code to purchase tickets for them.  With no success.   This went on for months, Anyone who knew them, knew they desired tickets.
They never got down about it, they just said well , we KNOW we will get tickets and they kept believing and living their lives. 

 They were hearing stories about how expensive tickets were and the price gouging of airlines and hotels. But they pressed on believing that somehow it would all come together.
In the meantime, Taylor Swift music continually played in the house and in the car.  Without realizing it, while doing dishes or chores around the condo, I found myself singing along to the songs and envisioning them ( my kids) at the concert.  I did this all the time without really even thinking about it.  It was like a reflex.  

Several months pass and it’s mid November 2023.   My daughter was at work, it was a Friday afternoon and most people had left for the day.  She decided to finish up some filing.  Of course , while filing she was listening to Taylor Swift.    A client popped into the office to drop something off,  he smiled when he heard the Taylor Swift music and mentioned to my daughter that he knew someone that had tickets and they were trying to sell.   Right away , she said,  “ I would be interested, if they are available’ .  The man left the office, promising to get back to her.   Of course, she was over the moon.
Shortly, her boss walked in the door and asked how things were going.   Straight away, she excitedly told him about the client and the Taylor Swift ticket connection.   Her boss smiled and said I’ll call him and check on it. 
Of course, she excitedly called my son and I , saying  that getting tickets was real a possibility.   Keep in mind that tickets range from about $250 – $2000 per ticket.  As well as travel costs since Taylor Swift was not coming to the city we live in.   We agreed that somehow it would all come together. 

Later that evening, we were all together watching TV when my daughter got a text from her boss.   It read, “ You got them… you and your brother are going to Taylor Swift”.   Right away, she messaged her boss expressing  excitement and gratitude.   Also, asking him what she owes for the tickets, he said “ Let’s talk about it on Monday, Have a good weekend!”

Monday Morning I got this text from my daughter: ( actual text):


My daughter was so happy she was crying and my son too!
The Taylor Swift tickets that they were gifted were for the last city on the tour, which would take place December 2024, a year away.

The Trip to see Taylor Swift  was all inclusive.  My daughters boss paid for first class Airline tickets, 3 nights hotel, spending money, and he booked them a meal in a fancy restaurant.   When they got to the restaurant, they were told that her boss called and paid for the seven course meal and there was a bottle of Dom on the table.   Her boss said we want you to know how much you are valued.
Now you would think this would be the end of this amazing story, but another unbelievable thing happened.

My son also works for an amazing company and has an amazing boss.   My sons boss, called him while they were in Vancouver and said I know you are there for the Taylor Swift concert, but I was wondering if you could extend your stay and change your flights because I want to give you 2 tickets to Taylor Swift for Sunday night, the last night of the entire Eras tour. 

My kids could not believe their good fortune,  not only did they get Tickets to Taylor Swift for one concert, but they got tickets for two shows.   They were extremely blessed and grateful .   It was a journey of believing for tickets for a show and be given tickets for two shows.   They went to the concert December 6 and December 8, and got to see the closing show of the entire tour, all expenses paid.  The concert was everything and more , they loved every minute and are extremely grateful.
Bosses paid to change flights and extend the trip.   We don’t know the entire cost of this magical time , but this gift was many thousands of dollars.

Watching this within my home has certainly encouraged my faith to believe that my manifestations are done and all details taken care of.   Throughout this process my kids kept their faith that they would go to the concert, but still lived their life while waiting. 

I hope this encourages you as much as it encourages me.  

Thank you both so much!   And thank you Joseph for the imaginal scenes you have provided me!
Blessings to you both,

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