The Power of 3: How I Manifested Big Wins in Just Days

Dear Athena,

I’m a non-paying client. But, I watch your channel. Kind of religiously actually. LOL!  You popped up in my feed one day. So, I decided to watch you. I found you really resonated with me. For one, you give people realistic expectations. I love your success stories because they mirror my experiences. Your people aren’t affirming for a day or 2 and then BAM there it is. It’s more like they are using whatever technique works for them and then some time later, maybe months or even years later it shows up. By the way I don’t watch manifestation videos for techniques anymore. I watch them for inspiration / motivation.

I want to give you some background on my situation first for context. I began my manifestation journey REALLY sometime in 2021. Even though I had technically been introduced to it in 2004 through the movie, “What the Bleep do We Know.”  I really didn’t understand at the time of “What the Bleep,” how to consciously manifest. Until, somehow, Florence Scovel Shinn, showed up in my feed in 2021. Her book. “The Game of Life and How to Play it.” popped up in audio form. And I listened. I began to use her techniques. However, I started to also listen to other teachers. Neville Goddard, Dr Joseph Murphy etc. I did see some results. But nothing earth shattering. I never really found a technique that I felt really worked for me. I knew that I held limiting beliefs because of my up bringing. I have been and still am working through them. However, after finding your channel. For some strange reason, I started to see movement. I mean MAJOR movement and I found my technique! 

My technique oddly enough isn’t easy for me to do at all. LOL But when I can do it, things show up fairly quickly. My technique is (drum roll please) VISUALIZATION! Here are some of the things I have manifested after watching your channel for only 1 week and then visualizing.

1. A Call Off from work.  

I am a nurse and sometimes when there aren’t enough patients in the hospital, they will call you off. I never get called off. But the way my schedule had been put in I had 6 days in a row off. But I wanted 7. On my 3rd day off. I started to imagine in my minds eye (visualize) the staffing office calling me and saying we are pushing you back 4 hours due to low census. And then I imagined them calling me later that evening and saying stay home, we are calling you off. This is how they do it usually when they call you off. Guess, what? It happened! I couldn’t believe it. I never ever get called off. LOL

2. A romantic night with my SP.

Look this is a long story. So, I will summarize. It’s a very complicated situation. But a long story short, there is a 3rd party, Plus, hot and cold behavior. Honestly, I wasn’t even trying to manifest this. I was really just day dreaming. But it happened. Just as I saw it. WOW!

3. My contract was renewed.

Like I said earlier, I am a nurse. I am an agency nurse. Which means the hospital has a contract with my agency to provide staffing. I am specifically a Travel Nurse. Which means I travel all over the United States. Anyway, it was getting close to the end of my contract. And I really like where I am at. The manager had told me, that he’d put in the paperwork to extend me, 6 weeks ago. But my agency hadn’t heard anything. The way this hospital works is they reach out to you. You don’t reach out to them. So, me and my recruiter were just about to start applying elsewhere, when I decided to visualize.  And Bam, 3 days later it materialized. 

4.My daughter receive her deposit refund check.

My daughter had moved out of her rental house 4 months ago. She was to receive her deposit back 30 days after moving out. It was now over 90 days. It had gotten to the point that the management company had started ignoring her calls and emails. She was getting desperate because it was quite a bit of money. It was 2 months rent $3.780.00. So, I decided to manifest her receiving it. After 3 days she received her refund in the mail. The total amount. 

5. Last but not least was a car dealership replacing my tires.

This is another long story. But the short of it is a dealership in another state put the wrong tires on my car that a I bought 4 months ago. But they didn’t want to pay to correct it. I visualized and was guided by intuition to put a review in online. After which they paid to replace the tires. 

FYI: 3 days seems to be my magic number. I’m pretty sure it’s a belief implanted in me as a child. My mother was a mathematician and I remember her saying 3 was a sacred number. She said, “We are in the 3rd dimension, we are the third planet from the sun and 3 represents all of existence (Birth, Life and Death). Because everything in our understanding has a Beginning, a Middle and an End.” You see it’s pretty engrained in me.

Anyway, I just wanted to write and tell you. You are doing great work!  You are reaching more people than you realize. 

Thank you so much,

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