How She Manifested Dating a Well-Known Actor With Little Effort

Hello Athena,

I would like to start with thanking you and offering my deepest gratitude for what you do for so many of us here with your teachings and the way you impart and share your knowledge. I am extremely grateful to have found you. I hope and wish to someday connect with you personally, may be meet you if the distance between us is not an issue ever. I am from India by the way.

So I am going to share one of my success stories today with you that happened in 2004, almost 2 decades ago. This was way before I had even heard about manifestations and Youtube or such mediums did not even exist. 

I was living in this city, all by myself and working towards making a career for myself. I was in a relationship with someone at the time who used to work with me. Our relationship was good according to me at the time, however he was sort of toxic in his behavior towards me, controlling everything I did and would give me silent treatment time to time whenever there was a clash between us. I was young so I assumed all relationships are like that and I kept trying to make it work between us despite being extremely unhappy within. 

One day I came across a TV program or series and saw the actor who was playing the main lead in it. I liked him a lot and was instantly attracted to him. I thought to myself briefly, “it would be so nice to be with someone like this”. I must have done this a bunch of times without even realizing what it meant or if at all it meant anything.

Time went by. My then partner ended up cheating on me with another woman and I was left extremely hurt and dejected. I felt so ashamed that I decided to leave the city and move to another city over night.

And the city I decided to move to is the city where all actors from India live in. And this was just a decision taken in the spur of a moment because I spoke to a friend who lived there and said there are good job opportunities available and that I can find myself something to do. I moved without thinking.

A few months went by. I found myself a fabulous job, travelled to the UK for work and was extremely happy overall.

One fine day, while I was shopping at a mall I saw the same actor standing behind me in a queue. We were at this store buying tennis racquets. We both exchanged a look and went our way. He stayed on my mind and I thought this is so amazing and I wish I could meet him. 

One find day, out of absolutely no where I found his number from a colleague who was a huge fan of his. While having a general conversation with her, she mentioned she and this actor share the same birthday and that she talks to him sometimes. I asked her if she’ll give me his number and she gladly did.

I sent him a message and he replied instantly. We exchanged a few messages before he asked if he could meet me. 

We met over coffee and then dated each other!

This never occurred to me that I had manifested that relationship with him up until one day while listening to one of your videos, you talked about how we unknowingly are manifesting things in our reality and all we need to do is become conscious about it to bring in things that we want.

I know my story is a bit long but I hope this inspires those who listen and can see that I moved cities, had a miserable breakup, went through career and monetary hardship to manifest what I had innocently asked the universe for. Dating a very well known actor was no even a dream of mine let alone it happening in reality. But it did happen. I lived that.

Once again thank you for all that you do…many blessings and love your way. I wish you all the possible love and happiness in the world!

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