Whispers of Healing: The Incredible Story of a Mother Manifesting Her Daughter’s Perfect Health

Good afternoon Athena!

Sure! I’m happy to tell you in detail about my daughter’s healing manifestation, because I’m still using the same technique with her to this day (I’m using it as well with my ex, his dad, since the day he told me about a medical diagnosis for which he is forced to pass through a chemotherapy process). So, since I was pregnant, I was telling my daughter’s dad how much I wished she would born with his perfect teeth and perfect sight, because I had to wear braces during my teens and glasses since I was a kid (among other medical conditions like curvature of my spine), I didn’t know anything about manifesting at the time but now I see that I was basically wishing out of fear and had a really low self concept (the only thing I would want that she got out of me was my eyes, not my sight obviously, and the thing she physically got out of me and we could already see from the ultrasound was the part of me I hate more lol, but, of course, she is the most beautiful girl in the world). Well, I tell you this to show how instead of imagining the most healthy baby I was fearing what I didn’t want. My daughter was born with congenital cataracts, we didn’t know it on the spot so she wasn’t operated until she was three years old (I also know where this mani came from beside my fears during pregnancy, but that’s another long story), she has had other medical conditions but the topic of this manifestation is called: basal cell carcinoma. It’s something that starts as a simple pimple but then turns grey-black and grows and needs to be removed with surgery. She had her first basal cell carcinoma removed with I think it was 2 years old on the temple, and her second one with 4-5 years old on the arm (you see, I’m not the kind of mum who remembers surgery dates😅). When the doctor analyzed her last carcinoma, he said that she is just prone to have them. The latest surgery stitches were a slaughter so when early this year we had confirmed that she had a carcinoma again this time near her cheek, I got really worried. It’s a minor surgery (obviously, no mum wants their kids to go through any kind of surgery) but I was really worried about the scar she could get on her face forever because the first one is hardly visible but the one in the arm… it’s awful. So, when we were in the medical specialist waiting room I did my first visualization: “the doctor telling us that it was something really minor that he could remove on the spot with some kind of new non-invasive technique”. What happened? The doctor told us that she needed surgery and that due to her already being “old enough” (she is ten) they would make it with local anesthesia, so she would be awake and probably us (me and her dad) couldn’t get into the operating room with her. You can imagine my concern and how sad my kid was with the news, she said she didn’t want to see the doctors while she was being operated, of course, she is a kid! So she was put on a waiting list for the surgery and in the meanwhile the doctor prescribed us a medical cream because the carcinoma seemed to have a slight infection (I don’t remember this being prescribed to us the previous times when the other carcinomas had a grey color). I started to use the cream and, at that time I was reading, I think it was “The Silva method” and there it was the story of a nurse who would whisper things in the ear of the patients during the anesthesia stage and order to their bodies to not bleed too much during surgery, something like that. So, at night, when my kid was sleeping, I would whisper in her ear: “Your body is absolutely healthy; your eyes, your sight, your skin (for the carcinoma), your immune system (she has allergies)…EVERYTHING! I love you. You are perfect.” and then I would pass my finger over the carcinoma and like “swipe it” with the finger out of her face and see her cheek “clean”. Sooner than I thought, we were called for the surgery, like, it was really fast for a typical waiting list, and they called us like less than a week before the date of the surgery. There I reacted, I freaked out, I was worried, especially for the part where she would be awake and we couldn’t be with her. Some days before the surgery I tried to distract myself by creating something for my SP on the computer, it was a digital drawing I did with my graphic tablet. I sent him the drawing telling him that I had done it because my daughter was going to be operated and I needed to have my mind focused on other things. He quickly answered me (it was early in the morning) with a voice message, thanked me for the design (he is using it as a profile picture on a personal app) and went straight to ask me what was happening to my daughter. He was SOOO sweet, was reassuring me, telling me that everything was going to be fine and wished the best to my ‘lil one. The day of the surgery arrived, both me and my daughter had been really nervous and had planned to ask once more if, at least one of the parents, could pass with her to the operating room (of, course, she wanted us both to pass with her), at this point, the carcinoma was barely visible and wasn’t infectated anymore thanks to the cream. So we were in the preoperatory room, me, my daughter and her dad, she was already wearing those green surgery clothes and we had asked the nurse if any of us could pass with her and she had gone to ask the doctor, so we were waiting for an answer. The doctor comes, looks at the kid, revises the carcinoma and she is really surprised that the kid is there for surgery, she literally told us: “It will be bigger the scar that I’m gonna make her than the carcinoma itself. I wouldn’t remove it, I would check it in some months, but that’s on you to decide”. Her dad and I were shocked, how come her colleague told us she needed surgery and now she tells us this?! Of course, the carcinoma looked so much better at that moment then what it did when her colleague told us about the surgery but still, this didn’t happen with any of the other two previous carcinomas. So me and my ex talk with my kid and you won’t believe it, she wanted to have the surgery done! Lol, now I’m laughing and I found it funny even but, at that moment, it was hard to convince her. Her argument was that after the bad time she had passed assuming she was going to have surgery she wasn’t going back home like that ahaha. I told her: “Mum has a “postsurgery” present for you, and you’re going to get that anyway, and without having a bad time in the operating room”. We spent a while convincing her but we finally got to go back home without surgery. She had her revision this September and that thing is now an almost invisible stain on her face, so the doctor “discharged” her. Now I still whisper some nights on her ear, not that much, because she sometimes wakes up when she hears me if she is still in a light stage of the sleep, I kid you not that even one day I fell asleep before she did at night or in a nap or something and I heard her whispering healing words on my ear lol. When his father told me that he would have to go through chemo, before he could call me to tell me why and explain me the whole situation I bursted into tears and when I pulled myself together I decided that he was healthy and that it was some kind of mistake, when he finally called me and told me about the diagnosis he told me is something that has a 99% of healing with the chemotherapy, so that were already better news, still, some nights, I imagine him sleeping and I whisper in his ear “healing words” as I do with my daughter, it sounds weird but I think it works because is something I do without effort and I don’t look for results, in fact, as you can see I freaked out knowing about my daughter’s surgery. Well, I know this has been long but I needed to explain every detail. Oh! And today I had a REAAALLY sobbing morning (not because I “lack” my manifestations but because I don’t like and don’t feel comfortable in my current 3D), so after sobbing and scripting “from the past” on a park, I came back home and did your I AM hypnosis and oh, girl, I know I’m gonna still get triggered every day by my 3D but doing your hypnosis was such a releaaase! So thank you for that!

Have a wonderful wonderful rest of day, bella!😘

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