From Heartbreak to Happily Ever After: Her Incredible SP Success

Hello Athena! 

So here is my story!  I started learning about LOA 6 years ago. At that time I didnt know much, and definitely didn’t  understand it.  I taped a note on my work desk stating I wanted to meet a cattle rancher, as I was single and loved that way of life.  Shortly after, I was thumbing through FB and saw a photo of a man that I couldn’t help but feel a connection. I felt compelled to send a friend request.. which I had never done with a stranger before.  He messaged me right away. Turned out he was a cattle rancher in Montana USA.  We talked for 3 years and I finally made the move to Montana.  We were together almost 3 years when I decided to break it off,  due to family issues back home in Arizona as well as a few personal disagreements.  I knew I had made a mistake as I missed him so badly.  He was so hurt and angry and started a new relationship.  Eight months  passed, and during  that time, I had listened to every video by yourself and Joseph.   I decided to imagine us back together in a future setting with us congratulating each other on our anniversary.  Suddenly he started messaging me alot. We talked things out but had disagreements and he blocked me.  Per your advise, I reimagined a scene where we were together.  I also began thinking things like.. he loves me so much.. we are a great couple, our friends are supportive etc.  So that was a couple months ago.  I am now back in Montana .. although there were quite some unexpected bridge of events, but I told myself they would work themselves out, and they did.  We are so happy together now starting fresh and it’s better than ever. I know this is my forever life now.  I also want to say that 8 months ago when i had left, I scripted that I had a job, car and 15,000 dollars.  I had none at the time.  Within a matter of weeks, I was given a car by my sister, offered a sales job the same exact day, and am expecting a check for $20, 000 DOLLARS IN A WEEK!!    To anyone who thinks that the Law of Assumpion does not work,, trust me it Does!  Thank you Athena!


Deat Athena,
Thank you for your reply !  Your words are so inspiring!!  So first of all.. sorry this is not in order.
  So.. after I left him, I felt like I made a mistake.. but at the same time, I felt that,  because I imagined being back in Arizona with my daughter, that was where I was supposed to be.  Once back in Arizona, all I did was practice scripting and manifesting  small stuff.  For example, I scripted that I saw a yellow balloon. Less than a week later,  a big yellow balloon was bouncing right in the middle of an intersection, which I would not have seen had I not made a uturn to go back home for something I forgot.  The more things that manifested, the braver I got to imagine what I felt earlier were impossible.  Mainly being back with my sp and also receiving money.  Regarding money, I had a hard time imaging it, so scripting was easier.  I kept writing it, different amounts, and realized I was interfering with the results.  So the final scripting was that I am grateful for receiving 15,000 dollars.  I had preciously written 20,000.. also 100,000.  I get now that it’s better to script it once and leave it alone.  Anyways, after that scripting,  my folks had passed away.  In their will,  they said, in the event of out simultaneous deaths,,  the money from their home would go to their church.  (All my siblings belong to the church except for me).  So they were all in agreement with that.  But upon review from their attorney, it was null and void as they did not pass simultaneously  and the money must be split between siblings..  20,000  a piece. 
So a few months ago I just knew that I missed my sp so bad and that I belonged with him.  And knowing what I learned about imaging the end  I was so confident  that we would be back together.  So I imagined hugging him and telling each other happy anniversary!  It was then that he unblocked me and we started talking.  But he started blaming me and we argued about our breakup.  He told me about the 3rd person. 
As far as the 3rd person who started dating my sp, I deliberately did not think about it, as I knew she would work herself self  out of the picture.  It was at this time I asked you for help.. you told me try to reimagine a scene.. and I did.  Same anniversary scene.  He then unblocked me again and things took off.  I told myself he loves me so much and how happy we were etc.  He told me that it didnt work out with the 3rd person because she wasnt me and that he loved me  so much and never had stopped.  We arranged a visit ,  and two weeks after that I am now back with him.
Regarding the car and job,…  when I fIrst left Montana in December 2023 and moved in with my daughter,  I was basically starting over.  Babysitting and cleaning for her.  But I knew I needed a car and job.  So I started imagining both..  so in April 2024 my daughter said to me that she decided she wanted to live by herself and that I needed to move out.  Instead of panicking, I remembered what i imagined.  That very same day, my sister called me and said that, because she got a new car, she wanted to give me her old one.  But it needed a mechanic before it could be driven.  I then called a friend about it.  He said,,  take the car and we will take it to his mechanic.  He would pay for the repairs in return for me working for him in his clothing store and I’d pay him back got the repairs.  So there I was with a car and job in one day!  On a side note, I imagined having a stone fireplace for about a year..  imagined the exact stones.  So when I told my high school friend that I had to move,, he said I could move into their home for now in May 2024.  I did so.. and sitting  in the living room, I looked up in shock to see the stone fireplace.. same stones i imagined!!  So anyways.  I’m finding that whatever I deliberately imagine happens.. with alot of unexpected twists.  It fun!   I needed to quickly sell the car I got from my sister in order to move back to Montana.  I imagined selling it for the amount I put into it for the repairs.. 3000 dollars.  I sold it in 1 day for 3000..  it was as if the friend who bought it played a part in the whole scene! 
I hope this is useful..  again sorry it’s not in order.  Love you both!!!!  Thanks..

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