Hi Athena!
I have so much to unpack here but firstly, I want to say how much I’ve loved your videos. So much so that I watch them daily, multiple times a day. Your voice and persona is so calming and I feel like I’m listening to a friend talk to me. You’ve truly helped me stay on “my path” as I continue to manifest my SP, career, etc, etc. With that being said, let’s start with the fun stuff. I apologize in advance as this may be a little long and I may bounce around but I’ll try to keep it as chronological as possible.
The first few manifestations I wanted to talk about are of my health and career. I was never really a believer of the LOA. My older sister used to tell me about it all the time and I thought it was mumbo jumbo she’d tell herself to make herself feel better. I was the negative Nancy and pessimist. In 2019, I was aimlessly browsing Netflix and came across The Secret movie so I said why not. I watched it and right away I thought, “why not give it a try, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.” So I started manifesting, meditating, scripting, all of it. The first major thing I manifested was my job. Back then I had just got into a car accident, was working a retail job and not doing much with my life. I decided I wanted to go back to school for law, get a job in a law firm and go from there. I started the show Suits that summer and every night before bed I’d do a visualization practice and imagine myself like the characters from the show. That was August 2019. Fast forward a few months later and in November I got a message on indeed from a gentleman saying he wanted to interview me. I checked his details and it said he worked for a law firm. I thought, that’s crazy but messaged him and set an interview. I went to the interview and it was pretty brief. I told them about my school and how I want to work at a law firm to gain first hand experience. The interview was about all of 15 minutes. When I left, I was a little nervous and the doubt was coming in telling me “why would they hire you, you have no experience” but I shut that down and said “no, they want me and the job is mine.” I kept that thought and went home. A few hours later that day I get a call and it’s the manager who interviewed me. He told me they wanted to hire me and asked when I could start. I was SO excited. I couldn’t believe I’d finally be working in a law firm. Yes, I started as an administrative assistant but I didn’t let that stop me. I just wanted to get my foot in the door and I’d manifest the rest- which is what I did. As soon as I started, I kept doing my visualizing exercises and I’d imagine myself getting raises and promotions and like clockwork, every 3-4 months I was getting a raise and promotions. I made my way up in the company faster than anyone they’d seen. To this day, I continue to manifest my career choices. It was crazy seeing it play out, sometimes exactly like I’d envision.
The next thing that was big for me was my health. In 2015 I’d developed some really bad back pains that kept getting worse and worse. After getting into the accident in 2019, it was exacerbated even more so. The pain was so bad that there was a period in 2021 where I was completely bed ridden and I’d only get up to shower and use the washroom, which even that was painful as hell. I’d seen doctors and did physical therapy but it wasn’t helping. I finally decided to get MRIs and they said I had some disks that shifted which was causing the pain. The doctor said I could get surgery which would resolve the pain the quickest (btw I AM SO AFRAID of surgery, especially in the spine/back) or I could do physical therapy which could take years but it’s less “extreme”. I did NOT want the surgery. It wasn’t an option for me. One night I was at home and in so much pain that I started crying- I thought this can’t be my life. I’m simply too young and I started considering the surgery… which was scary for me. I decided until I decide what to do about the surgery that I’d do PT. I did a couple sessions and one day I thought to myself “what the hell, let’s manifest this pain away.” I remembered Joe Dispenza’s story and other people who used the LOA to heal. I started telling myself I’m healthy and I can function as I do normally. I’d make myself walk even when I felt pain and I’d do activities that I normally wouldn’t have because of the pain… fast forward a couple months and I’m basically good as new. It was crazy because it just went away, like it never happened. Even my colleagues at work were amazed at how I was walking around (and in heels again) when they’d seen how much pain I was in before.
Now to the part we all love to hear- the SP story. I want to preface this by saying I’ve definitely manifested people but it was temporarily. The most recent one is of this guy I met in 2021 (let’s call him Steve). I first met Steve on match.com. I initially thought he was cute but he wasn’t blowing my mind. I wasn’t getting the butterflies right away so I didn’t give him much attention. We talked on the app and then moved to text. I gave him my number and he asked if could FaceTime me. Normally when I FaceTime guys, I like to make sure I look “presentable” at the very least LOL but since I told myself I didn’t really care about him, he was going to get what I give aka hair in a bun, no makeup and with a tee on. I did NOT try. Lol. He called me and we were talking and he thought I was the most beautiful girl. I thought he was crazy but I figured “hey, if he liked what he saw then so be it.” I did tend to have insecurities and all that but with him I didn’t care. It was almost as thought I wanted him to see me at my worse and if he didn’t like it then oh well, except the more I revealed the more he was falling for me. In the beginning, he would text/call me and I’d send a quick one word response or talk for a few minutes then cut the phone. I really wasn’t trying with him. He’d text me every few weeks to check in, I’d respond saying I was busy and that was that. He kept this up from Sept 2021 – Dec 2021. Come New Year’s Eve 2021, I decided to give him a chance and put more effort bc he’d been consistent but not creepy or annoying so I started responding more and having longer phone conversations. In a really short period, it turned into more. We started talking on the phone every single night. We’d text everyday. He was the sweetest, most caring guy I’d ever met. At first, I was very resistant bc I was judgmental of his background and religion (he was a Muslim guy from Saudi Arabia and I always told myself Saudis are too strict of Muslims and I’d never date one) but he was not like that at all. He was actually very spiritual. He was gentle, he didn’t say or do anything untowardly like I’d been used to with other guys. In fact, he was so respectful I had to give him the nudge to make the first move when we had our first kiss! Anyway, as I said, very quickly he became a part of my everyday life. I’d never been this vulnerable with a man. The things he made me feel, I’d never felt. It was strange but beautiful. My walls started coming down. Around March of 2022, we had made plans for the weekend to go on a staycation kind of thing. We texted in the morning but I didn’t hear from him all day. I thought he must be busy with school. I called and texted a few times but no answer. Eventually around 2-3 am he sends me a text and says he’s going through something and needed time. I was kind of shocked but wanted to be there for him. The next day I sent him a funny meme to “cheer” him up but he didn’t respond. After that, I’d never hear from him again. I was ghosted. I was hurt but I didn’t allow myself to feel the emotions until May. I took my mother out for a dinner to this middle eastern restaurant and they were playing Arabic music. The song he used to sing to me played and that’s when it hit me. I was broken. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t bc we were in public. Part of me almost called me but I never wanted to be that girl who leaves a voicemail on a guys phone crying. My ego was too fragile for that. HA. Fast forward to July- I texted him on his birthday and he responded! I was so shocked. I even told him I didn’t think he would reply. We talked briefly and he apologized and said he doesn’t know why he ghosted me but he was really sorry for hurting me. From that point, we’d talk here and there every few days but it was just casual. Around the end of August, he texted me apologizing for hurting me and to tell me he’s going back to his country bc his student visa expired. I pulled a “who’s this” and that was the last we’d communicate. I didn’t hear from him and I thought I moved on. Fast forward to February 2023 when my feelings started creeping in. I started reminiscing about our time together and our phone calls. I started missing him a lot. I tried to look him up on socials and couldn’t find anything. Fast forward again a few months to July of 2023. I went through a lot from July – August (I got impregnated by “shitty” circumstances and I had to get an abortion and did it all alone. It was horrible) but that experience changed me. I was so disgusted by dating and men and intimacy. I kept to myself and tried to “protect” myself. I was in a shell essentially… but the only thing that comforted me were thoughts of Steve. I started remembering him more and more and it was painful this time. I cried. I cried every day until the end of October. I missed him so much and I so badly just wanted to talk to him but couldn’t. I did EVERYTHING to find this guy and I just couldn’t. I eventually started accepting that maybe him and I won’t ever talk again. Parts of me of course always envisioned that we would somehow be reconnected. Now we’re in 2024, earlier this year I decided to leave my old firm and start a new job at a new firm. My old colleague worked at this new firm and she was the one that referred me. When I joined the new place, it was in Beverly Hills, she told me to download Bumble so I can meet some babes in BH. Lol. She met her husband on bumble and was a big supporter of the app. I never liked the apps and prefer to meet people in person. So I downloaded the app, went on a few dates and met this guy (let’s call him Joe). Things moved pretty quickly with Joe and not for the good. I realized this guy was toxic and everything bad, but one of the first times Joe and I broke up, my friend told me to get back on the app and not give him the time of day so I did and met another guy (Mike). I matched with Mike and talked to him here and there but it wasn’t much and I ended up going back to Joe. Joe and I kept going on and off until I finally decided to end things for good. Mike was still there but it wasn’t anything serious. We went on one date MONTHS after we’d matched and it was okay. I don’t have feelings for Mike. We’re more like friends. We text here and there and that’s about it. I decided to download another dating app for shits and giggles and matched with a few guys… one in particular I was into. We’ll call him Jason. Jason and I went out twice and it was cute but I wasn’t how he felt. My colleague was asking about dating life and about Jason in particular bc at that time he was the one I wanted. We were in my office talking and idk how but the conversation turned into talking about lost loves and of course the story of Steve came up. I told the whole story to my colleague and she kept asking why I didn’t look for him and I told her I did and that I tried everything. I jokingly brought up Mike (because he’s also from Saudi Arabia) and whether or not I should ask him to look him up. She told me to do it. At first I was hesitant but then I said what the hell… I gave him some lame excuse and he searched his name. The first guy he found wasn’t him but then he sent me another text…. IT WAS HIM. I couldn’t believe it. I immediately added him on LinkedIn. I thought he wasn’t going to respond soon bc he’d been inactive for so long. Later that night at around 3 am, I saw a notification from LinkedIn that he added me and responded to my message. This part of a little anticlimactic but bear with me- his response was short. Just a “hi, I do remember you” and nothing else. I needed to talk to him but I knew I had to give it time. The next day I didn’t hear from him either. Later that night I decided to take some mushrooms (you know which kind) and it made me feel something… so I said to hell with it and I sent him a message essentially saying the things I felt for him and how I’d been looking for him for these past two years. He was online all night but no response. I eventually fell asleep. I woke the next day and checked the app and he unfriended me. I don’t cry or feel sad or anything. Because I know he will come around. This is how he is. Idk how to explain it. Anyway- these past few months I’ve been manifesting him and Jason but in the process I confused myself so I asked the universe for a sign. I said if Jason is the one I’m meant to focus on and hes my person, then I’ll see rainbow fish (it’s this cartoon from my childhood (which I never see on a daily basis anyway) and if Steve is the one then I’ll see a blue butterfly but I said I won’t count the emoji as a sign bc I see that anyway. Shortly after, I saw a couple butterflies but they weren’t blue. I then watched a music video that had butterflies and a blue one! About two weeks ago, I clicked on this random tarot reading YT video and it was describing how my future partner will be (she described my partner almost exactly like I’ve always described how I want my future husband) and she said when I’m about to meet him, I’ll see lots of butterflies, especially pink and blue ones! I’ve been seeing butterflies everywhere and so randomly, too! Now let’s get to today- august 12. I was at work, watching some of your videos and working. At one point I got on my phone and scrolled through IG for a bit. I came across this video of a guy being foolish. In that video was another guy who was kinda cute but everyone in the comments was talking about him so I said let me see how this guy looks and clicked on his profile… I then scrolled through his page and what do I see.. A PAINTING OF HIS THAT HE DID WHICH WAS A BLUE BUTTERFLY. I know it’s not the exact ending but I know it’s all coming to me and my 3D is aligning to get matched with my end state. Anyway, I thought I’d share this and I’m definitely going to be updating you once I have more! I’m attaching the pictures of all the butterfly signs that I’d been seeing. The point of this story is also to let your audience know to HOLD ON. As someone who was so negative and didn’t believe to someone who believes and is now always manifesting whatever I want. The law works and is always working! You just need to believe. Love to you and all!
Hi Athena!
Omg, I was reading through my initial email and forgot a couple of major details and noticed all the typos. I am so sorry about that! I’m just gonna add in a few details (that I think are important and will help the picture be clearer). But thank you so much! I am currently watching your Friday upload as I type this up. Anyway, thank you so much for listening! I feel like i’m talking to an angel. 🥰🩵✨
About my job- Yes, I started as an administrative assistant but I didn’t let that stop me. I just wanted to get my foot in the door and I’d manifest the rest- which is what I did. As soon as I started, I kept doing my visualizing exercises and I’d imagine myself getting raises and promotions and like clockwork, every 3-4 months I was getting a raise and promotions. I made my way up in the company faster than anyone they’d seen. To this day, I continue to manifest my career choices. It was crazy seeing it play out, sometimes exactly like I’d envision. — for more context, I started my job at $18/ per hour as an admin assistant. As I mentioned, I then very quickly started getting promotions and raises. In 2022, I really wanted to leave Los Angeles and move to Chicago. I was doing the 369 scripting method. I did it for about 15 days. I was manifesting a $40/hour pay and I wanted to work remotely in Chicago for the same company I worked for in L.A. (my boss said she would never let anyone work remotely out of state bc it was too much of a headache). Exactly one week before I was supposed to go to Chicago (I had already secured a job and apartment there), my boss called me in her office and said she cannot afford to lose me (a girl had just quit and we were short staffed. I was doing a lot of the work and knew what I was doing. I was damn good at my job). I told her I was all packed and ready to move the following week. She asked me what would get me to stay and I told her I need more money. She says, “Fine. I will give you $40 an hour. Please stay in California until I can find replacements. Maybe in these next few months you can decide if you want to stay, and if you still want to move to Chicago, I will let you work remotely and get you set up.” My jaw literally dropped because she was giving me exactly what I wanted. The reason I wanted more money was because I wanted to move out on my own. I eventually stayed in California and got my own place and I no longer had to go to Chicago. Isnt that crazy! I remember writing in my journal “I am so happy and grateful I work remotely in Chicago for OLG making $40/per hour.” Btw, I continued manifesting and got up to $45/hour as a paralegal. For someone my age and with my little experience, that is truly unheard of. Most people my age (and even older) make an average of $50-60k/annually and I have far surpassed that!
About my SP – Around March of 2022, we had made plans for the weekend to go on a staycation kind of thing. We texted in the morning but I didn’t hear from him all day. I thought he must be busy with school. I called and texted a few times but no answer. Eventually around 2-3 am he sends me a text and says he’s going through something and needed time. I was kind of shocked but wanted to be there for him. The next day I sent him a funny meme to “cheer” him up but he didn’t respond. After that, I’d never hear from him again. I was ghosted. — so I wanted to add a little more here. I was someone who has always considered herself very straight forward and no games/no bs. When it came to dating, I always came as my true self and expected others to come the same. This is all to say that when I was dating men, I never had insecurities or concerns about them talking to multiple people, playing me, and all those thoughts a lot of girls get when the guy doesnt text back in a second or talk to her in a few days. I just didnt care and believed that we all have lives and we make time as we go. This is also why I dont like to talk about relationships with my friends too much because they all give me their unsolicited advice and opinion that is entirely biased and based on their own experiences. I didn’t want their energies to affect me because I am someone who absorbs other people’s energies easily. So when I was dating Steve, I never had any concerns, WHATSOEVER. One day, an old colleague of mine (she was also Arab) and I started talking at work and I kinda slipped up and started telling her about Steve. Then we got to talking about men in general (arabs in specific) and our dating pasts. She tells me a story of a guy she dated for 8 months, who went all in, told her “i love you” and everything only to ghost her. No more contact whatsoever. I felt so bad for her when she said that and thought how can anyone do that. For a few minutes. I thought “omg, what if Steve does that” and then the anxiety kicked in. I was really only anxious for like one day but that thought was in the back of my mind… and fast forward a few weeks later I had also been ghosted. But life is so funny, bc this same friend met her husband on Bumble and was the same one that encouraged me to get back on the app when we were working at the new firm together. As you recall, the series of events that unfolded when I redownloaded Bumble was what ultimately led me to finding and reconnecting with Steve again. I will say though, I have learned to stay off of social media and stop asking my friends for advice on my dating life because honestly, almost ALL of them are living in 3D. They dont understand the LOA like I do. I am delusional and delusion is the solution! I like to be in my daydreams and envisions myself achieving everything I dream about but when I tell my friends my aspirations, they either think i’m crazy or tell me I need to “get real.” I hate those words. Why do I need to be real? Who says what I want is not real? They just dont get it and that’s frustrating and what leads back to old thinking which is why i decided to keep to myself and of course YouTube, where I watch your vids and other LOA vids. Im not even in 3D anymore so I dont need these 3D opinions. Btw- I CANNOT stand these Tiktok academy and Instagram University dating coaches. They say the most absurd things. We need to stop listening to those things and start listening to ourselves. We dont need to abide by any dating rules bc we know what we desire is ours anyway so why are we playing games with ourselves? I hope that made sense. Lol.