The Power of Decision: How I Manifested Contact After 9 Years

Hi Athena, 

As promised, here is my recent success story (much more to come of course)… 

For my fellow viewers, a little bit of background – I’ve been learning about manifestation and the law of assumption for about a year now, however it wasn’t until I found your channel Athena, and Joseph’s, that it truly all made sense to me. After turning my back on all the mumbo-jumbo out there – especially all the ridiculous click bait on YouTube, I came to realise that it’s all rather simple, and I started consciously proving the law to myself. I’ve also been coaching with Athena for a couple of months now, which has been such a game changer for me. However I do want to note that you don’t NEED to have coaching to live your manifestations and be a success. You already are a success – nothing is outside of you, and you can achieve anything all on your own (if that’s what you tell yourself). 

So… I’m currently successfully manifesting an incredible relationship with my SP, a beautiful family, business success, travel (the list goes on… because in my new world I can have it all). Once upon a time I would have said the words ‘hoping to manifest’ but not anymore, it’s already done – remember, your subconscious mind is always listening to you!  

Whilst I’ve since gotten back in contact with my SP – more on this later – I’ve been continuously experimenting with the law and manifesting random things consistently. If there is one thing you take away from this, please let it be this – TEST IT guys! I cannot tell you how validating it is proving, to your own mind, that this is real. Before I did this, I listened to story after story from people who had manifested incredible things, but no matter how amazing their success was, in the back of mind there would be things like ‘that would have happened for them anyway’, ‘that must be a coincidence’, ‘that’s too good to be true, surely they’re exaggerating’… You could have 100 people trying to persuade you from their own mind-blowing experience that manifesting is real, but it will never impact your brain as much as your own tiny manifestation success will – to truly grasp your power you cant just take someone else’s word for it. 

I’ve been doing Joe’s list method for a while (I’ll let Athena explain this) and have seen hundreds of random but fun manifestations come to fruition. I started small – manifesting things like specific parking spaces, bumping into certain people, hearing specific weird words – and time and time again, it would happen. Over time, once my ego couldn’t argue anymore that I was manifesting all the time, I ramped it up – manifesting contact from friend’s I hadn’t heard from in ages, money out of nowhere – and even the end of a longterm health condition. I had had asthma my whole life – I didn’t want it anymore, so I just firmly decided that I no longer had it – I stopped labelling myself with it, and almost instantly the symptoms stopped. After being told I needed to take preventative medication every day since I was little, I haven’t had medication now for over 6 months – and no symptoms. I just tell my body that I’m in perfect health, and if the old ‘asthma narrative’ ever comes to my mind, I calmly remind myself that I don’t have it anymore.

However, my most recent ‘experiment’ has been the most persuasive to me (not that I needed anymore persuading at this point…) I wanted to do a manifestation in relation to past relationships, as this is something I would have felt a lot of resistance to at one point. I decided that I would hear from a past ex that I had dated whilst at university (now this was nearly a decade ago and I wasn’t currently in contact with any of them). It included about 4 people – I didn’t do any techniques, I didn’t do any affirming, I just decided. I made a firm decision that at some point, one of them would get in touch with me. I didn’t try and work our how or why – that simply wasn’t my problem. I know a lot of you will want to know specifically how I did it – I said it to myself once, like a command, no force or deep emotion, almost as if I was deciding what to have for dinner. I then reminded myself of it the next day when it came to mind, like ‘oh yeah, I know that will happen’. After that, I forgot about it – not on purpose, but I just didn’t think of it again (probably because it carried no weight – I saw it as fun and I didn’t burden the manifestation with pressure). Two weeks later I received an instagram follow request from the first guy I dated at uni, one of the four. I remembered my manifestation and thought ‘success”! I then thought ‘hang on, no, I said I’d get a message’. So again, I made the decision that he would dm me. A few days went by and no message. I did think to myself, ‘well surely he’d have messaged by now if he was going to reach out’ – but I remembered my power and again, simply just decided ‘no, I know he’s going to message me’. I vaguely planned out an imaginal scene in my head, whilst driving home, that I planned to do that evening (I wouldn’t ever suggest manifesting a message for an SP by the way, but I didn’t want anything with this person, I simply saw it as an experiment of the law) – that night, before I even had a chance to do the ‘technique’ he messaged me asking how I was doing. So essentially I did visualise it once, very flippantly, very effortlessly – I just saw the message come up on my phone in my mind. It’s important to note that I haven’t spoken to this person for 9 years – we didn’t even date long – in all honesty I’d call it more of a fling. I had no connection with this person anymore, and hadn’t been thinking of him at all during that time. What I’m trying to say, is it hadn’t been a deep heart felt romance that was bound to rekindle, and we also have no mutual friends, we don’t live nearby, and there’s essentially no need for him to contact me after all this time. There is only one reason he did – because I manifested it. 

I would have assumed it was harder manifesting someone I have no ‘bond’ or ‘ties’ with – and I did it, easily. It showed me yet again that we are all connected, and you can truly manifest movement in anyone, no matter the circumstances – because circumstances only exist in your mind – and I had chosen to remove them. I doubted, of course I did – when I made the decision I didn’t know for 100% that it would happen, and I could have come up with 100 reasons why it wouldn’t (very easily too when you look at the context). I just didn’t. I allowed my mind to think it was easy and achievable. What it also showed me was that I didn’t need to keep reminding my subconscious mind about it. It’s like asking your friend to do you a favour and thinking that you need to remind them incessantly so they don’t forget – eventually they’re going to shout at you “I know, I wont forget, just give me a chance and let me get on with it”!! This is like your subconscious mind – it knows your desires. Set an intention, decide it’s done, trust (for the most part) that it will happen and don’t overcomplicate it in your mind. When you think about it – because you will, thats normal – just gently remind yourself of your end – don’t force copious affirmations down your throat, just feel into believing it’s done. You can have doubts, and you don’t have to believe 100% – just CHOOSE to see it happening. 

When you book a holiday, you choose a destination you prefer. You have yet to buy the ticket or step foot on the plane, so essentially there is nothing in your 3d confirming that you’ll go. But you know, you’ve decided – you see yourself on that holiday regardless of what your ‘current circumstances’ tell you. You can’t see into the future either, so essentially you don’t know 100% that you’ll go, but that doesn’t get in your way. Manifestation is just the same – you make a choice, and see it as your future regardless.  

With regards to my SP, things changed when my outlook changed. I stoped hoping it would happen and started telling myself it was already done. There is nothing more I needed to do. I looked back and realised that searching for technique after technique had manifested perfectly – into me needing to search for more techniques. That missing him and being aware of the separation, had again manifested perfectly – into more separation. So again, I decided to change the narrative. No more waiting. No more separation. No more obstacles. In turn I stopped worrying I was going to mess things up and genuinely felt into the relationship I desired, because I’d given myself the space to. I told myself it was easy, effortless and that everything works out for me now. No matter what your 3d is telling you, choose to focus on your end. You don’t have to be delusional and it doesn’t need to be hard work. To avoid Athena having to make this video an hour long, I’ll write in with a separate SP success story – but honestly, it’s as simple as you see what you expect to see – and people act in the way you assume them to (look at anyone in your life and you’ll see this as true). So gently turn your head to the story you choose – each time you do, it’ll become more and more natural, until one day it’s your dominant state without you even realising. If you have a day where you feel shit, don’t worry – tell yourself it doesn’t matter, that nothing can get in the way – and as Athena says, it’s much better to allow yourself to feel your feelings – you don’t need to force anything. 

Athena, I can’t thank you enough for all your knowledge and support. Not only have you been a wonderful coach, but it’s like having a friend along on my journey with me, which makes it even more enjoyable. 

I hope people find my story helpful and encouraging – especially as this can be a lonely journey sometimes, but know that you’re not alone – anyone who writes in with a success story is no different to you – we all have the same power within us – just choose to know that you’re next. 

Lots of love and happy manifesting all x

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