Dear Athena,
I have been watching you for years now, and recently I posted some comments on your videos that I had quite a few wild success stories for your Friday videos. This email is my following up on that promise. I have so many and some so large that I will need to send them in multiple emails if that’s alright with you.
My major success stories are…
– My SP
– My car
– My job
– A complex story I refer to as “carwash and pancakes”
The first one here is my job story, because it’s so specific and demonstrates so clearly that we don’t have to do much if anything physically.
I had been out of work for months. I lost my previous job for dubious reasons on the part of my employer, and I felt so hurt by the whole ordeal that I was honestly rather depressed. I had fortunately paid my usual bills through the year with my cashed out vacation and sick time from my previous job but it certainly wouldn’t be forever.
Because I was depressed, I honestly didn’t feel like hunting for a job. Yet, because of my manifestation journey, I have a lot of faith in God, the holy spirit, higher self, and all those other names people call the operant power.
I told my spirit that I felt like it was time to get another job, but that I didn’t feel like looking for one or applying widely and hoping for a callback. I gave my spirit a list of very specific things I wanted in the job.
– Be no more than 10 minutes away.
– Only 2 days a week because I wanted to focus on writing.
– Preferably evening shifts because I like being able to sleep in a bit.
– Preferably work weekends because I like being free on days everything is open.
– Preferably something I already had experience with doing before.
– Be at least $10 an hour (our local minimum is about $7 an hour).
I said “I don’t know how you will bring this to me, but I trust that you will, as you never fail”, and then I went back to playing a game on my computer.
A few weeks later, my dad comes into my room and drops a cellphone in my lap. My grandfather found it on the road next to our house, then gave it to my dad thinking it may be ours. My dad asked me to see if I could find out the owner.
A few minutes later, after poking around the phone’s messenger apps, I had found someone to tell the owner I had their phone. She then got into contact and we agreed she could pick it up the following day after she got off work.
The next day, she arrives, excited to get the phone which turned out to belong to her son. She was a manager at a local business, which will be important soon.
We talked about how the phone got to my house, as she and her family don’t live there. The best she could tell was her son must have sat his phone on the bumper of her van while playing outside with his dad, and without realizing it was there, drove off. The phone must have stayed on her car across the bumps and turns, until it finally fell off on the road next to our house but far enough to the edge that it didn’t get hit by any other passing cars.
While we were talking about how amazing that was, she talked about working in town and lamented about having trouble finding people to work there, because they didn’t have many hours to give people, and most people don’t want to only work two days a week. It was simple stocking and cashier work, which I had done for years elsewhere.
Well, at this point I see where this is going and decided to bite the bait. I said I was thinking of getting some part time work to help with the bills, and I asked her how much it paid. She said that it used to pay $7 an hour but they just recently bumped it up to $10 an hour.
Stifling a laugh, I said I’d be interested. She encouraged me to submit an application their site and then text her when it was in and she’d give me a call once it was processed on corporate side.
I did and texted her the next day. She was thrilled, but asked hesitantly if I would mind working weekends, because most people don’t want to work weekends and she thought I might change my mind since those were the days they would need the help.
I laughed and said that I preferred it that way. The rest is history.
Thank you Athena and Joseph and everyone else. I’ll send more soon.